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Hi all,
We can display this poem on main enterance,visitor's room, Canteen & even get it painted as wall painting.
Safety Helmet is required but
Positive Thoughts are important
Safety Goggles are required but
Conscious Vision is important
Safety Hand Gloves are required but
Righteous Protective Action is important
Safety Shoes are required but
Quick and Safe Steps are important
Safety Equipments are required but Man is more important in any Safety program

Hansa Vyas

From India, Udaipur
hi hansa
its a nice poem good keep it up hansa vyas
why just cant you say like this
helmet is needed not for head but for brain
goggle is required not for eye vision but for internal vision
handgloves are required not just to protect hands but to protect the whole family
more than above human is the important only when we give importance to them and their work

From India, Bangalore
I think you might need to add just one word shown below in quotes in the last sentence:
Safety Equipments are required but "self-awareness in" Man is more important in any Safety program.
Generally, the poem is very simple, clear and efficient and convey the message across easily.

From Bahrain
Dear all,

Here is another poem that i have circulated to all our employees during Annual shut down.

You all can also share it with your employees or display it at main enterance.

I could have saved a life that day,

I could have saved a life that day.

But I chose to look the other way.

It wasn’t that I didn’t care,

I had the time, and I was there.

But I didn’t want to seem a fool,

Or argue over a safety rule.

I knew he’d done the job before,

If I spoke up, he might get sore.

The chances didn’t seem that bad,

I’d done the same, He knew I had.

So I shook my head and walked on by,

He knew the risks as well as I.

He took the chance, I closed an eye,

And with that act, I let him die.

I could have saved a life that day,

But I chose to look the other way.

Now every time I see his wife,

I’ll know, I should have saved his life.

That guilt is something I must bear,

But it isn’t something you need share.

If you see a risk that others take,

That puts their health or life at stake.

The question asked, or thing you say,

Could help them live another day.

If you see a risk and walk away,

Then hope you never have to say,

I could have saved a life that day,

But I chose to look the other way


Hansa Vyas

From India, Udaipur
This is my second post in this site, the first also on your short safety poem on PPE posted earlier. The current poem is well structured with nice jingle and food for thought!
Keep going...cheers!

From Bahrain
This is my second post in this site, the first also on your short safety poem on PPE posted earlier. The current poem is well structured with nice jingle and food for thought!
Keep going...cheers!

From Bahrain
Dear dipil,
when our employees come to office the first thing they do is check their mail.
If they read the poem it remains somewhere in their sub consious mind.
When the job goes on if unsafe than they remember the the words of poem....or someone else tell them how r they performing unsafe work.
So it give a psycological effect.
Let me tell you we have completed last two shutdowns accident free.
& there was party too from co. for the same.
I feel it as achievement.
May be it can be considered as one of the factors that contributed in it.
Hansa Vyas

From India, Udaipur

Dear Hansa

Thanks for replying.

If the things are as you explained, how easy our (Safety Pro) role in today's scenario... Just need to send a mail and we can sit tension free thought of all is going well and all are following what we write in mail... As per my knowledge this maturity level is only in 1 or 2 % of Indian companies...

I just recollecting the quote said by one of our senior management staff one year before: "Are yaar, bahut mail aata he... Safety wala ka from dekte hi, me to vo delete mar deta he..." In such an environment who will read this much lengthy song... May be situation in you plant is different... May people get that maturity level... All are consious about safety and all... People not even read the slogans of two line which is displying at site... I am not agreeing in displying such a lengthy poem in site, that also in english, not in local language... This will not creating any help in accident prevention... May be your systems were very good in place which helps you preventing accidents... Well and good, best of luck for continue the same codition...

Just my views... not criticising what you are doing... if you fully confident in what you doing, and results are visible and management supporting, go ahead... All the best...

From India
Dear Dipil,
i had always found you as a positive guy.If we all will think that this dont work that dont work than we can do nothing.
lets do whatever we can do from our side any one of the factor will help.May be in your case, what i feel is that you send a lot many mails thats why people dont read,many be quotes every day or information every day than by this they will definately be frusted & delete mails of safety without even reading.
So give mails when & where required.this poem concept for shutdown was new concept for them & yes keep the caption of mails attractive so that people should be enthu to read it.
So Be positive & work continuously some day we (safety Pro) will win.
Hansa Vyas

From India, Udaipur
dear hansa,
good to see the poems, which are very meaningful and a very different initiative.
however, as Dipil said, it would be better if the same is in the local language.
just a clarification, who is the targetted audience. since the mails are surffed only by office people who does not show any intrest, i have the doubt whether this would give any impact. why can't we target the real users and create more awareness. this question is just because of curiosity to understand the people's mentality in different offices.
any way, its a good initiative & i also will try to circulate the same among our office team & let me visualize the repsonse.

From India, Delhi
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