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Dear Sir,
Kindly clarify the following.
We are IT company, we have obtained registration under CLA act to engage contract labour to our group companys. we have engaged one contractor who is supplying manpower to our diff establishments, all to gether more than 20 contract labours are engaging in our diffrent establishment. Now the question is that contractor is denying to take licence from the authrities since he is supplying not more than 5 contact labour to each establishmets.
Under these circumstances we the principlal employer how to convince the contractor over this issue.

From India, Mumbai
Dear Mr. Narayana Swamy,
the contractor need not to any licence as he is engaging less than 20 employees in each branch.
Licensing issue comes into the picture when the number of employees deployed by the contractor is 20 or above at single branch.We should not club all the branches for coverage of Labour Licence.

From India, Hyderabad
Dear Friend, The contractor in your case is liable to take licence as he is providing the labours under same registration/ establishment. Regards
From India, Vadodara
In my opinion Mr. Sankar is right in clarifying that if different establishment are employing less than 20 contract workers through a contractor may be the same contractor then in that case that contractor is not required to take licence under the C L (R&A) Act, 1970. If none of your R C shows 20 workers employment in any of the establishment then why he should apply for licence?
With Regards,

From India, Delhi
The act applies to the concerned contractor, if he is supplying 20 or more labour to any employer of the organization. Infact, the organization itself needs to get registered under the provisions of CLA if they are employing more than 20 contract labour in any individual industry / organization.
From India, Pune
Hi I have a querry. We are IT company, employing 10 people. All on contract. Do we require any license. Regards, Hrishikesh
From India, Nagpur
Dear Narayana Swamy ji,
As you says that you are having various branches in various locations. Only your register office has registered under CLR Act. This registration is only for your Reg.Office area. (1) Now your branch offices are located in which places is it located in the same premises.(2) If you are having various districts or states you have to obtain a separate registration certificate. (3) The Manpower supply contractor has also obtain a separate license for each location (Please see the contractor's licence copy second page, it was clearly mention about this). (4) for the coverage of licence 20 as per the act, but the contractor may obtain temporary licence for certain period to avoid the sefety of the employees under him (for this please clarify with nearest DCL office).

From India, Kakinada
Before asking the contractor to take a License,
You make sure that, what your CLRA Registration certificate says ?
1) Address in which contract work is to be done.
2) Name and Address of the contractor.
3) Nature of contract work.
4) Maximum Number of Employees to be engaged in a day.
If you have got a RC for 20 Employees for a particular address for doing a particular work, then the Contractor SHOULD get a license.
On the other hand if your work place is in different Locations you have take separate RC for Each Location and show the actual number of Employees engaged in the RC. In such cases contractor need not get a License. But still he is bound to follow the rules and regulations under the Act.

From India, Madras
I agree with Mr. PBS kumar's version. A seperate licence need to be obtained for each location until and unless all are in the same location & each location need to have 20 or more. Even though the same contractor is providing the manpower for all the locations and they are below 20 then the license is not required.
Regards - kameswarao

From India, Hyderabad
The Establishment or conrtactor supplying 20 or more workers to other establishment should register under CLRA. Establishment engages 20 or more workers in the establishment through one or more contractor should have registration under CLRA. Group Companies having independent status should treat independently while deciding employment of contract workers per company/establishment.
From India, Mumbai
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