dear sir/madam
pls provide me correct format for releiving letter and experience letter. i am working with company right now but have been selected for another new company and i have been asked for releiving letter and experience letter as soon as possible.i have to join on 25 oct 2007,pls help me out
Kamal Kishore Singh

From India, Mumbai
Hi Kishore Find the attachment of Exp. Letter and Relieving Letter format. Regards Ashwini K
From India, Bangalore
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: doc relieving_letter_398.doc (21.5 KB, 12119 views)
File Type: doc experience_letter_198.doc (20.5 KB, 13945 views)

I don't know why you need these two letters because its the responsibility of HRD to issue you release letter as well as experience certificate after accepting you resignation.
However Ashwini has attached the required formation.
Ramzan Sheikh

From Pakistan, Karachi

Find below the format of the Exp. as well as Relieving order...


_____/HRD/___ Date_____________

Mr/ Ms. ____________


Dear Mr./ Ms. _____________,

This is to certify that Mr. __________________ ( name of the employee ) was working at ___________________( Company Name ) As _______________ ( Designation of the employee ) from ____________________ ( date of joining) to _______________( last working date ).

During his tenure, we found him to be .....................his services were found to be satisfactory.

We wish him all the best in his future endeavors.

For ___________________________


Employee’s Address

Dear Sir/Madam,

Relieving Order
This has reference to your resignation letter dated ___________ . This is to inform you that your resignation has been accepted and you are relieved from the services of Name of the Company on the close of working hours on Date.
You are requested to deposit the company Id and any other company property entrusted to you during your employment with us.
We wish you all success in your future endeavors.

Best Wishes,
For Company Name.,


Amit Seth.

From India, Ahmadabad
can any one pls send me exp letter for computer hardeware technician i want to send this letter to assessment department for my immigration i have attached another letter over here which i am also using to show my exp in electronic hope this format can help others bcs they only aprove these kind of detailed letters.
From Pakistan, Islamabad
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: doc Mujahid's Experience letter (2)[1].doc (31.0 KB, 1759 views)

I agree with Ramzan Sheikh.
The documents have to be issued by HR department and not by self. Other HR members - kindly dont encourage such practices, instead let them know that its not correct.
The background check may be against you once they cross check over the origin of the documents.

From India, Madras
relieving_letter_398.doc (21.5 KB, 3281 views) experience_letter_198.doc (20.5 KB, 4549 views) i cant download these files
From Sri Lanka, Colombo
stupid Ramzan if u can attache a experience latter do it dnt niglate other peoples, if u can’t just just shut ur dirty mouth
From Sri Lanka, Colombo
Excuse me? If you cant get things done in the right way, and chose to do it the wrong way - dont yell when some one is not partnering with you. Thanks.
From India, Madras
well this really disturbs me that now a days people are just making experience and relieving letter formats just like that. I would like the HR's in the forum not to help people with cheap tricks playing on their mind like forgery and misinterpretation!!!
From India, Thana
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