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Hi, I have few queries regarding gratuity entitlement for a Private non listed MNC in India. Request your help on the same :
1) Am I eligible to get gratuity if I have completed 4 years and 11 months in service ? What is the minimum service requirement to be eligible to get gratuity ?
2) Is gratuity taxable ?
3) Is the recent Basic salary + DA considered for gratuity calculation ? Or is it calculated basis each year's basic pay + DA ?
4) If I have completed 4 years 7 months at the time of resigning from my current job and my notice period is 60 days, will I be eligible to get gratuity as on my last working day with the organisation ?

From India, Ahmedabad
1) Am I eligible to get gratuity if I have completed 4 years and 11 months in service ? What is the minimum service requirement to be eligible to get gratuity ? - Yes, If you have worked for more than 4 years and 240 days in the same organisation then you are entitled for the gratuity claim.
2) Is gratuity taxable ? - Yes, it is exempted from TAX for the gratuity amount below Rs. 20 Lacs
3) Is the recent Basic salary + DA considered for gratuity calculation ? Or is it calculated basis each year's basic pay + DA ? - It will be recent Basic + DA
4) If I have completed 4 years 7 months at the time of resigning from my current job and my notice period is 60 days, will I be eligible to get gratuity as on my last working day with the organisation ? - Yes, your gratuity will be calculated considering last working day in the company. Formula for calculating gratuity is - Basic + DA / 26 * 15 * No of Years in the organtisation

Is gratuity taxable ? - Yes, it is exempted from TAX for the gratuity amount below Rs. 20 Lacs,
Income Tax Exemption is limited to Rs.10 lakhs since the maximum gratuity payable as per Payment of Gratutity Act is Rs.10 lacs.

From India, Kochi
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