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In order to choose right candidates, we wish to put them on 20- 30 days skill evaluation test. During this test ( extended interview ), their punctuality, learning speed, skills, temperament etc will be evaluated.
They will be paid mutually agreed conveyance for this period. We wish to do so to avoid appointing wrong applicant and then unnecessary paper work / litigation in termination.
They will be given Appointment Letter only when they pass in evaluation. My question is "
(1) Is it legally tenable ?
(2) What care should be taken in drafting this test so that it cannot be treated as appointment.
(3) What else we can do so that any unsuitable candidate can be terminated without much hassle.

From India, Hyderabad
Hi Deepak
Selection procedure is totally @ the discretion of the management and there is not law which can stop you from doing a 20 days evaluation process.
(2) What care should be taken in drafting this test so that it cannot be treated as appointment
In the case ideally you should not give any letter to them which says that you are been assessed for this position, rather then give them a letter saying that this is a training period where in your skills sets and competencies will be assessed and subject to satisfactory results
(3) What else we can do so that any unsuitable candidate can be terminated without much hassle.
The best way to do recruitment is have a assessment center implemented in the team of members who will be assessing this candidates
this is the best too for assessing the candidates it give good assessment provided it is done by professional who are assessment center analyst
for more details you can get in touch


From India, Mumbai
If their work is contributing towards the production, is it ethical that you do not pay them for the time spent?
From United Kingdom
Hi Deepak
further to what Simhan has said it is a very valid point if u have employee based at your work location for 20 days that means they are taking risk from their current job
ethically as an prospective employer you need to pay them the actual salary wages in proportion to what they will be loosing @ their present work

From India, Mumbai
Company policy will be clearly explained to candidates before sending for this test . It is possible that some working employees wont accept this method and we may carry evaluation in phases. So that he may continue at his existing job. Compensation can be mutually decided.
I feel that hiring a wrong person harms both parties.

From India, Hyderabad
Dear Deepak,
You have not answered my question about whether the candiates being assessed will be contributing towards the production of goods or services offered and whether you earny money out of their work while being assessed.

From United Kingdom
Dear Simhan, Candidate will not contribute anything towards production or service. In fact company will be spending on them in this process. Regards, Deepak
From India, Hyderabad
What other methods can be used to choose right candidates. As selection of wrong candidates hard employer and employees. Many times applicant lie about their capability, education and previous experiences. I feel, it is very difficult to choose a right person based on his papers and interview skills.
From India, Hyderabad

Your post raises various points

a. will a candidate be willing to commit to the 20 days testing period. Does your company carry that kind of brand power?

b. candidates may be on their best behavior for 30 days and then revert to their preferred state of performance.

It may seem to candidates that you wish to make use of their services on a contract basis without taking any liability.

Additionally studies show that people take about 30-60 days to start delivering optimally on the job, so the first 20 days is only about impression management? Is that what you want?

Even if a candidate agrees to 20 days, do you have the manpower within the company to first train the candidate, and then supervise his/her working? Aren't you then losing out on 2 people's productivity?

I believe conducting well-designed assessment centres will help you select the right candidate for the position that you are hiring for. These are tools which are designed to capture all the relevant information for job performance which is under the individual's control

From India, Gurgaon
Dear Annika, It may seem to candidates that you wish to make use of their services on a contract basis without taking any liability. Company shall be compensating for this period.
From India, Hyderabad
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