Dear All,
Kindly asist me to how to motivate employees to be more productive?Already we are appreciating them by giving ''Week of employee'',''Month of the Employee''.We are giving special services also to make themhappy.Kindly help me out.
From India, Visakhapatnam
Kindly asist me to how to motivate employees to be more productive?Already we are appreciating them by giving ''Week of employee'',''Month of the Employee''.We are giving special services also to make themhappy.Kindly help me out.
From India, Visakhapatnam
Hi, That’s the good idea. You can also have open conversation with employee. Lot of time I have seen talking with employees always motivate them to work hard. You can also discuss – or open house meeting once in a month. Company can also give appreciation certificate for their special task. These are some ideas…….
From India, Pune
Hi, That’s the good idea. You can also have open conversation with employee. Lot of time I have seen talking with employees always motivate them to work hard. You can also discuss – or open house meeting once in a month. Company can also give appreciation certificate for their special task. These are some ideas…….
From India, Pune
Only Certificates wont help. You need to engage your employees by planning some fun or social activites. This shall help in team building. Dont offer too much recognition (eg. week of employee, month of employee, day, hour second etc). Sometimes an acknowledgement in front of co-workers also works wonders. At other times we need to give rewards or incentives for motivation. Ofcourse your objectives for such rewards or incentives must be realistic and attainable. Show them the group goals or organization goals to be attained and a brief idea about how each dept role is contributing towards to the common organizational goal which shall help perforamance based pay. Also introduce some form of healthy competition which actually helps performance............rgrds
From India, Mumbai
From India, Mumbai
Dear Kalpana Yadav,
What motivates employee?
1. Money
2. Recognition
3. Rewards
It is a complex exercise to recognise what motivates employees.
We cannot derive a common formula and apply the same across the board in the organisation.
Then how to arrive at it?
Discussing/ spending time/ making personal sacrifices in life and ensure attending of the family function of employees if you are invited to have a feel of their status. Moreover, when you attend such functions you will be able to identify distinct tribes within your organisation (by tribes I mean groups). This will be a valuable source of information as a HR professional.
For example if you attend a wedding in the employees house you will be able to assess the financial status of the brothers and sisters of the employee and if the status of your employee is on par or is higher then money may not be the motivating factor for him. But on the other hand if the status is below them them money could be the motivating factor (but please remember I have used the word could be the motivating factor and not will be the motivating factor)
There will be lot of information available in the shopfloor on expectations of different employees and you need to tap these resources and must be aware that you distinguish information from rumours as well. This is because once employees sense that you are tapping information false inputs also will be seeded into the system.
One of the most important factor that goes unnoticed is improper grievance redressal procedure. Show genuine concern in listening (not merely hearing) to employee grievances. Sometimes they are so trivial that you can sort it out yourself. Examples may be non availablility of first aid materials in the first aid box, improper functioning of swipe card system, non updation of leave entries etc. These issues if addressed will bring people closer to you.
I am not an expert in Organisational Behaviour but have learnt over the years.
Rewards, Recognitions are certainly motivating factors but all the assessments that leads to these must be transparent.
Best regards
From India, Madras
What motivates employee?
1. Money
2. Recognition
3. Rewards
It is a complex exercise to recognise what motivates employees.
We cannot derive a common formula and apply the same across the board in the organisation.
Then how to arrive at it?
Discussing/ spending time/ making personal sacrifices in life and ensure attending of the family function of employees if you are invited to have a feel of their status. Moreover, when you attend such functions you will be able to identify distinct tribes within your organisation (by tribes I mean groups). This will be a valuable source of information as a HR professional.
For example if you attend a wedding in the employees house you will be able to assess the financial status of the brothers and sisters of the employee and if the status of your employee is on par or is higher then money may not be the motivating factor for him. But on the other hand if the status is below them them money could be the motivating factor (but please remember I have used the word could be the motivating factor and not will be the motivating factor)
There will be lot of information available in the shopfloor on expectations of different employees and you need to tap these resources and must be aware that you distinguish information from rumours as well. This is because once employees sense that you are tapping information false inputs also will be seeded into the system.
One of the most important factor that goes unnoticed is improper grievance redressal procedure. Show genuine concern in listening (not merely hearing) to employee grievances. Sometimes they are so trivial that you can sort it out yourself. Examples may be non availablility of first aid materials in the first aid box, improper functioning of swipe card system, non updation of leave entries etc. These issues if addressed will bring people closer to you.
I am not an expert in Organisational Behaviour but have learnt over the years.
Rewards, Recognitions are certainly motivating factors but all the assessments that leads to these must be transparent.
Best regards
From India, Madras
There are six areas you need to focus on to motivate the employees. When you improve employee perception in these areas, motivation & performance goes up.
1. Hope for the future: Does the company have bright future? Do I have bright future in the company?
2. Stability: Does this organization provide me a stable job and working environment?
3. Trust: Can I trust my organization, manager, colleagues and team?
4. Belonging & team-spirit: Do I belong to the team? Am I valued, recognized, respected and supported?
5. Compensation & benefits: Am I rewarded and compensated well?
6. Opportunity to play to strengths: Do I get opportunity to do and showcase what I do well?
If you want to know more about this, write to me at
From India, Bangalore
1. Hope for the future: Does the company have bright future? Do I have bright future in the company?
2. Stability: Does this organization provide me a stable job and working environment?
3. Trust: Can I trust my organization, manager, colleagues and team?
4. Belonging & team-spirit: Do I belong to the team? Am I valued, recognized, respected and supported?
5. Compensation & benefits: Am I rewarded and compensated well?
6. Opportunity to play to strengths: Do I get opportunity to do and showcase what I do well?
If you want to know more about this, write to me at
From India, Bangalore
In Government organization, employees of the specific categories believed that, the organization should pay him even if they wont work.
From India, Pune
From India, Pune
Its important to identify what are the factors that are responsible for demotivation before introducing any strategy.
There can be reasons for demotivation like may be there is some internal dynamics that exists within the employees (office politics like they say), there may be monotony of work in the workers plan a small one outing to get rid of it. But it is essential that you share your views about work with them in a open forum, this is give you a lead to identify the reason behind demotivation and address it accordingly. Many times we plan startegy at our level but the beneficiaries hardly understand its importance. Try making your approch more participatory.
All the best!!!
From India, Pune
There can be reasons for demotivation like may be there is some internal dynamics that exists within the employees (office politics like they say), there may be monotony of work in the workers plan a small one outing to get rid of it. But it is essential that you share your views about work with them in a open forum, this is give you a lead to identify the reason behind demotivation and address it accordingly. Many times we plan startegy at our level but the beneficiaries hardly understand its importance. Try making your approch more participatory.
All the best!!!
From India, Pune
This is from my personal experience and expectation, as I am also an employee. Perhaps it could be of your assistance.
1) Educate on Organization growth: Organization should impart trainings (quarterly/as appropriate) to educate employees on their achievements and future goals and plans to achieve them.
2) Employee growth: Organization should make their employee to realize what are the opportunities for their growth in the organization.
3) Work environment: team sprit, feel of is a part of team, valued, appreciated and rewarded.
4) Scope of improvement: Management should scrutinize their employees lacking area and should give a opportunity to arise by imparting required trainings, which could allow them to grow further and avail promotions, reorganization, etc.
5) Freedom: their ideas, opinions and innovations should be welcomed
6) Employee Friendly: People in higher management should be in reach of employee. Should always be open to hear not only listen their employees concerns and therefore to resolve them.
7) Utmost important… Personal touch: we all are emotional people and also we spent more time of the day at Office than at Home
Hence it’s always expected that Organization CARE for their employees.
· Should celebrate occasions with all employees,
· If invited should not miss out attending personal functions,
· The leave policy in practice should be contented to employees
Again, there would be many more ways that can be used to motivate employees. But the bottom line, I feel that may Organization follow any policies but those FIRSTLY should be employee friendly.
Thanks & regards,
Hari Meharchandani
From India, Hyderabad
This is from my personal experience and expectation, as I am also an employee. Perhaps it could be of your assistance.
1) Educate on Organization growth: Organization should impart trainings (quarterly/as appropriate) to educate employees on their achievements and future goals and plans to achieve them.
2) Employee growth: Organization should make their employee to realize what are the opportunities for their growth in the organization.
3) Work environment: team sprit, feel of is a part of team, valued, appreciated and rewarded.
4) Scope of improvement: Management should scrutinize their employees lacking area and should give a opportunity to arise by imparting required trainings, which could allow them to grow further and avail promotions, reorganization, etc.
5) Freedom: their ideas, opinions and innovations should be welcomed
6) Employee Friendly: People in higher management should be in reach of employee. Should always be open to hear not only listen their employees concerns and therefore to resolve them.
7) Utmost important… Personal touch: we all are emotional people and also we spent more time of the day at Office than at Home
Hence it’s always expected that Organization CARE for their employees.
· Should celebrate occasions with all employees,
· If invited should not miss out attending personal functions,
· The leave policy in practice should be contented to employees
Again, there would be many more ways that can be used to motivate employees. But the bottom line, I feel that may Organization follow any policies but those FIRSTLY should be employee friendly.
Thanks & regards,
Hari Meharchandani
From India, Hyderabad
From my past experiences, we organized the quarterly communication session that initiated by HR. It is the com session that attended by all staffs. Topics are the current challanging by each departments that "good t know" by others. Each departments should appoint someone randomly from their team to present the topics.
With this activitiy we hope :
1. Everyone know the situation within the company and will motivate to participate
2. Staff appointed will feel appreciated by the company to present.
Johnson Panggabean
From Indonesia, Surabaya
From my past experiences, we organized the quarterly communication session that initiated by HR. It is the com session that attended by all staffs. Topics are the current challanging by each departments that "good t know" by others. Each departments should appoint someone randomly from their team to present the topics.
With this activitiy we hope :
1. Everyone know the situation within the company and will motivate to participate
2. Staff appointed will feel appreciated by the company to present.
Johnson Panggabean
From Indonesia, Surabaya
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