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Hi All! Is there any letter called as Warning Letter in the IT company. In case it is there, can somebody explain me the rules and regulations and the format to be used. Regards, Jennifer Isaac
From India, Mumbai

There is nothing as a "warning letter" for IT industry specifically!!!

Each establishment is covered either by the Factories Act or by Shops and Commercial Establishments Act of the region. IT companies would normally be covered under the Shops and........ Act.

A warning letter falls in the province of "management of discipline" and if a particular law is applicable one has to follow the same. Under certain conditions both the types of establishment will get covered under "Industrial Establishments (Standing Ordwers) Act 1046 that sanctifies authority of the employer to issue a "warning letter" if an employee by his acts of comission or omission (as stipulated in the act) commits indiscipline!

If this act is somehow NOT applicable, then the basic terms and conditions of employment that bind the employer-employee relationship or the Service Rules (if framed and issued to the employees) will empower the employer to respond to employee indisciplene in appropriate manner including issuance of the warning letter.

Above all this, please note that the employer has an inherent right to discipline its employees whether within the frame work of applicable law or within the parameters of "principles of natural justice".

Further, there is no "standard format" for a "warning letter". One must write formally to the employee stating in a simple and forthright manner the situation (or the acts of commission/omission) being held against and that in company's view it tentamount indiscipline and finally that a "warning" is being recorded against him/her in her record.

Remember that a warning is a "slur" on employee's record and will have to be taken cognizance of in matters of his growth. Unjustly handled, it may strain employer-employee relations or collectively the employee morale! The simple rule in management of discipline is that the severity of punishment must always be proporainate to the gravity of misconduct!

Because we have a gun in our hands, we need not be trigger happy or be indiscriminate in using it!




Janauary 28, 2007

From India, Pune
I think the aerlier posting did an excellent job on the subject matter. However, it is always prudent to preced a warning letter with a query for the offender to explain his or her position on the issue in contention .It is only when the explanation is not satisfactory that a warning letter should follow.
Even that, the reason for the explantion being unsatisfactory should be written. As the earlier writer said, this type of letter falls under discipline and it goes a long way to affect the worker in appraisals etc so care must be taken.
Paa Kow

From Ghana, Kumasi
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