Emergency Exits
Is there sufficient directional and exit signs to ensure that all exit routes are clearly indicated in bilingual language
Do all work areas have at least two exits
Emergency Exits door to be opened out side.
Emergency Lighting
Do all emergency lighting units work properly?
Are all Emergency lights tested monthly and records of test kept?
Fire Extinguishers/ Hose Reel / Hydrant
Are there adequate number of fire extinguishers available?
Are locations of fire extinguishers clearly marked?
Are extinguishers visually checked monthly ( with control tags)?
Are fire extinguishers inspected annually by outside professional agency; documentation is on file
Emergency Preparedness
Does a facility has a documented emergency preparedness program?
Records of Evacuation Drill
Records of tests of alarm & emergency lighting system
Does the facility has the documented fire & emergency evacuation plan?
The plan has floor maps prominently displayed in the factory ( including office)?
Actual Location ( "You are here")
Extinguisher location
Identification of major fire risks
Phone numbers of local fire dept(s)
Phone numbers of ambulance/hospital
Evacuation routes
Assembly areas
First Aid kit locations
First Aid
Is the clinic suitably equipped in compliance with the guidelines ( beds, first aid materials, medicines)?
Are screens/curtains provided to allow privacy?
Is there system in place to check expiration dates of medicine?
Are sufficient number of employees trained in First Aid by a recognized organization
First Aid Kits
Are First Aid kits available in all work areas ( 1 per every 100 workers)
Are First Aid kits are easily accessible, identified and/or unlocked?
Are First Aid kits adequately stocked and appropriate for work areas?
Chemical Storage Area
Are appropriate warning signs displayed?
Is there an effective ventilation system?
Is there an effective secondary containment system for liquid chemicals?
There should be no floor drain in the chemical ware house
Are all drums, containers, dispensers clearly labeled?
Is eye wash is available within 30 M of where chemicals are stored?
Are Fire Extinguisher available?
Is MSDS ( Material Safety Data Sheet ) is posted in areas where chemicals are stored?
Are signs /labeling displayed in bilingual language?
Are signs are large enough to see from a distance and clear?
General Equipment / House Keeping / Electricity
Use of Electricity
Are electrical switches labeled in bilingual language?
Are generators installed suitable earthed?
Are copies of Electrician qualifications certificates etc. kept on file?
Are all electrical maintenance carried out are properly recorded?
General Equipment / House Keeping / Electrical Hazards
Are "Danger: high Voltage" warning signs clearly displayed around high voltage areas and access to authorized personnel only?
Are high voltage areas are clean and tidy with no material storage?
Is access to generator areas restricted to authorized personnel only? Are warning signs posted?
Is generator room is clean and tidy with no material storage?
Is adequate noise protection provided for workers working in generator rooms? Are hearing protection warning signs displayed?
Is electrical wirings suitably insulated and labeled?
Are workers provided with necessary protective equipment (PPE) and trained in the correct use of PPE?
Is the risk of personal injury from dangerous machinery controlled by adequate (a) hand operation switches (b) guards (c) minimized gaps (d) emergency stops (e) protective gloves (f) warning signs
Are fan blades adequately guarded (Mesh /screen holes)?
Are all conveyer belt gears, drive shafts and belts adequately guarded?
When necessary, is suitable eye protection provided and used to reduce the risk of eye injuries?
Are air compressor areas clean and tidy and free of material storage?
Are noise level in the work areas acceptable? Have noise survey been conducted?
House Keeping, sanitation and Hygiene Toilets, Dining and Kitchen Facilities
Are Kitchen & floors are kept clean, sanitary, odor free and free of grease?
Are Kitchen Staff given regular medical Check ( particularly test for transmissible disease such as hepatitis and typhoid )?
Are refrigeration facilities available in kitchen?
Are food preparation surfaces clean, free of cracks, cuts etc?
Are there sufficient tables/chairs inside canteen or eating facilities provided under a roof?
Are all preparation knives & chopping boards kept clean, sharp, rust free and are correctly stored?
Are all electrical appliances are in good condition in kitchen?
Is system in place to ensure the food prepared in canteen is fresh /hygienic?
Are all dry foods correctly stored, clear and above the floor?
Is the factory maintained in a clean and tidy state?
Is there arrangements to remove produced waste effectively and regularly?
Are passage way kept clear of obstructions?
Do all kitchen personnel wear hats or hair nets?
Bathrooms / Toilets
Is number of toilets sufficient for both men and women ?
The bathroom facilities are clean and generally free of odor?
Are the bathroom facilities are well ventilated and have running water?
Is soap / liquid soap, tissue paper, hand towels available in the toilets?
Are proper masks, rubber shoes, aprons etc provided to house keepers?
Toilets have water flushing system?
From Hong Kong
Is there sufficient directional and exit signs to ensure that all exit routes are clearly indicated in bilingual language
Do all work areas have at least two exits
Emergency Exits door to be opened out side.
Emergency Lighting
Do all emergency lighting units work properly?
Are all Emergency lights tested monthly and records of test kept?
Fire Extinguishers/ Hose Reel / Hydrant
Are there adequate number of fire extinguishers available?
Are locations of fire extinguishers clearly marked?
Are extinguishers visually checked monthly ( with control tags)?
Are fire extinguishers inspected annually by outside professional agency; documentation is on file
Emergency Preparedness
Does a facility has a documented emergency preparedness program?
Records of Evacuation Drill
Records of tests of alarm & emergency lighting system
Does the facility has the documented fire & emergency evacuation plan?
The plan has floor maps prominently displayed in the factory ( including office)?
Actual Location ( "You are here")
Extinguisher location
Identification of major fire risks
Phone numbers of local fire dept(s)
Phone numbers of ambulance/hospital
Evacuation routes
Assembly areas
First Aid kit locations
First Aid
Is the clinic suitably equipped in compliance with the guidelines ( beds, first aid materials, medicines)?
Are screens/curtains provided to allow privacy?
Is there system in place to check expiration dates of medicine?
Are sufficient number of employees trained in First Aid by a recognized organization
First Aid Kits
Are First Aid kits available in all work areas ( 1 per every 100 workers)
Are First Aid kits are easily accessible, identified and/or unlocked?
Are First Aid kits adequately stocked and appropriate for work areas?
Chemical Storage Area
Are appropriate warning signs displayed?
Is there an effective ventilation system?
Is there an effective secondary containment system for liquid chemicals?
There should be no floor drain in the chemical ware house
Are all drums, containers, dispensers clearly labeled?
Is eye wash is available within 30 M of where chemicals are stored?
Are Fire Extinguisher available?
Is MSDS ( Material Safety Data Sheet ) is posted in areas where chemicals are stored?
Are signs /labeling displayed in bilingual language?
Are signs are large enough to see from a distance and clear?
General Equipment / House Keeping / Electricity
Use of Electricity
Are electrical switches labeled in bilingual language?
Are generators installed suitable earthed?
Are copies of Electrician qualifications certificates etc. kept on file?
Are all electrical maintenance carried out are properly recorded?
General Equipment / House Keeping / Electrical Hazards
Are "Danger: high Voltage" warning signs clearly displayed around high voltage areas and access to authorized personnel only?
Are high voltage areas are clean and tidy with no material storage?
Is access to generator areas restricted to authorized personnel only? Are warning signs posted?
Is generator room is clean and tidy with no material storage?
Is adequate noise protection provided for workers working in generator rooms? Are hearing protection warning signs displayed?
Is electrical wirings suitably insulated and labeled?
Are workers provided with necessary protective equipment (PPE) and trained in the correct use of PPE?
Is the risk of personal injury from dangerous machinery controlled by adequate (a) hand operation switches (b) guards (c) minimized gaps (d) emergency stops (e) protective gloves (f) warning signs
Are fan blades adequately guarded (Mesh /screen holes)?
Are all conveyer belt gears, drive shafts and belts adequately guarded?
When necessary, is suitable eye protection provided and used to reduce the risk of eye injuries?
Are air compressor areas clean and tidy and free of material storage?
Are noise level in the work areas acceptable? Have noise survey been conducted?
House Keeping, sanitation and Hygiene Toilets, Dining and Kitchen Facilities
Are Kitchen & floors are kept clean, sanitary, odor free and free of grease?
Are Kitchen Staff given regular medical Check ( particularly test for transmissible disease such as hepatitis and typhoid )?
Are refrigeration facilities available in kitchen?
Are food preparation surfaces clean, free of cracks, cuts etc?
Are there sufficient tables/chairs inside canteen or eating facilities provided under a roof?
Are all preparation knives & chopping boards kept clean, sharp, rust free and are correctly stored?
Are all electrical appliances are in good condition in kitchen?
Is system in place to ensure the food prepared in canteen is fresh /hygienic?
Are all dry foods correctly stored, clear and above the floor?
Is the factory maintained in a clean and tidy state?
Is there arrangements to remove produced waste effectively and regularly?
Are passage way kept clear of obstructions?
Do all kitchen personnel wear hats or hair nets?
Bathrooms / Toilets
Is number of toilets sufficient for both men and women ?
The bathroom facilities are clean and generally free of odor?
Are the bathroom facilities are well ventilated and have running water?
Is soap / liquid soap, tissue paper, hand towels available in the toilets?
Are proper masks, rubber shoes, aprons etc provided to house keepers?
Toilets have water flushing system?
From Hong Kong
Thanks Mr. Kumar.
Would like to add a few aspects to your exhaustive list if you dont mind.
1. MSDS needs to be displayed in both the places where the chemicals are STORED and USED.
2. Stair cases, if any should be of the required width and the height of each step should meet the requirements by law.
3. All stair cases should have hand rails at appropriate heights and the hand rails should be painted RED.
4. All the signboard at the EXIT / EMERGENCY EXITS should have to be illuminated.
5. All the emergency lights should have to be connected with a BATTERY BACK UP to support in case of power failure (during emergency)
6. Lift / hoists / tackles - if any -
Inspection certificates
Max loading capacity
Periodical maintenance
"DO NOT USE LIFT IN CASE OF FIRE" to be displayed.
"Passenger lift or Material Lift" to be clearly posted.
6. Different types of fire extinguishers according to the material stored - Ref classes of fire and types of fire extinguishers to be used.
7. Display / Indentity of Fire Trained and First Aid trained Employees at appropriate places with their photos, depts, section, designation.
8. Full time qualified nurse / medical officer as per the requirements of law.
9. Ambulance if required - based on strenght as per law.
10. Different types of fire alarms - Voice based and Visual fire alarms. Visual fire alarms to be installed in places where noise levels are more - like generator room etc.
11. Machine maintenance records / cards - Preventive maintenance / break down maintenance.
12. Updated list of machines to track movement of machines.
13. Canteen employees - if any, health check up once in every six months.
14. Industrial committees - as required by law - Health & Safety Committee / Canteen Management Committee etc.
15. Requirements of WELFARE OFFICER / SAFETY OFFICER based on workforce strength.
16. Medical inspection certificates of boiler operators and visual checkers
17. EFFLUENT TREATMENT PLANT - if any Trade Effluent is generated during the manufacturing process AND THEIR RELEVANT MAINTENANCE RECORDS.
Experts to add more and comment.
Health and Safety Compliance is a very vast area and it goes with the manufacturing process of the organisation / type of industry / the total workforce employed etc.
-Saravana Rajan.
From India, Mumbai
Would like to add a few aspects to your exhaustive list if you dont mind.
1. MSDS needs to be displayed in both the places where the chemicals are STORED and USED.
2. Stair cases, if any should be of the required width and the height of each step should meet the requirements by law.
3. All stair cases should have hand rails at appropriate heights and the hand rails should be painted RED.
4. All the signboard at the EXIT / EMERGENCY EXITS should have to be illuminated.
5. All the emergency lights should have to be connected with a BATTERY BACK UP to support in case of power failure (during emergency)
6. Lift / hoists / tackles - if any -
Inspection certificates
Max loading capacity
Periodical maintenance
"DO NOT USE LIFT IN CASE OF FIRE" to be displayed.
"Passenger lift or Material Lift" to be clearly posted.
6. Different types of fire extinguishers according to the material stored - Ref classes of fire and types of fire extinguishers to be used.
7. Display / Indentity of Fire Trained and First Aid trained Employees at appropriate places with their photos, depts, section, designation.
8. Full time qualified nurse / medical officer as per the requirements of law.
9. Ambulance if required - based on strenght as per law.
10. Different types of fire alarms - Voice based and Visual fire alarms. Visual fire alarms to be installed in places where noise levels are more - like generator room etc.
11. Machine maintenance records / cards - Preventive maintenance / break down maintenance.
12. Updated list of machines to track movement of machines.
13. Canteen employees - if any, health check up once in every six months.
14. Industrial committees - as required by law - Health & Safety Committee / Canteen Management Committee etc.
15. Requirements of WELFARE OFFICER / SAFETY OFFICER based on workforce strength.
16. Medical inspection certificates of boiler operators and visual checkers
17. EFFLUENT TREATMENT PLANT - if any Trade Effluent is generated during the manufacturing process AND THEIR RELEVANT MAINTENANCE RECORDS.
Experts to add more and comment.
Health and Safety Compliance is a very vast area and it goes with the manufacturing process of the organisation / type of industry / the total workforce employed etc.
-Saravana Rajan.
From India, Mumbai
Thanks a Lot for the very usefull information Mr. Rajan. It would be really great if you could upload some templates/sign/Display Samples. Thanks Anil
From India, Bangalore
From India, Bangalore
Dear Mr.Kumar & Rajan, Its valuable discussion, but I think we are doing all things but not systematic way which you have discussed Vishwajeet Singh
From India, Gurgaon
From India, Gurgaon
Respected Sir,
Thanks for the valuable information. I would like to share some of my views if you don't mind. The display/sign boards of "No Smoking" or "Prohibited Area for smoking" to be illustrated as per the precautionary, Health & safty point of view. Proper display of indicators/sign boards for blind turnings/speed breakers within the premises of any type of industry / organisation. Time to time inspection & cleanliness is required of Scrap yard area & it should cover or fence properly by adopting insulation/isolation system, this is the totally prohibited area from any type of chemical, dangerous, fire, hazardous things. " Request & Suggestion for Human, Environment & Global Safty" - Pls. do the plantation (Huge & Tall growing trees prevent the fly ash (which is one of cause of air pollution).
Thanks & Regards,
Thanks for the valuable information. I would like to share some of my views if you don't mind. The display/sign boards of "No Smoking" or "Prohibited Area for smoking" to be illustrated as per the precautionary, Health & safty point of view. Proper display of indicators/sign boards for blind turnings/speed breakers within the premises of any type of industry / organisation. Time to time inspection & cleanliness is required of Scrap yard area & it should cover or fence properly by adopting insulation/isolation system, this is the totally prohibited area from any type of chemical, dangerous, fire, hazardous things. " Request & Suggestion for Human, Environment & Global Safty" - Pls. do the plantation (Huge & Tall growing trees prevent the fly ash (which is one of cause of air pollution).
Thanks & Regards,
A company can only be said to have "complied fully with the safety" requirements mandated by law if it can pass the Occupational Safety and Health (OSHIA) requirements of the government and the ILO (International Labor Organization).
In this regard, organizations would do well to visit their OSHIA representative office and get those requirements in place in their plants/ offices.
One strategy of ensuring compliance with OSHIA requirements is the development and implementation of a Safety Manual. This manual will help the company ensure "zero accident" and teachc their employees on how to work safely everyday.
My company sells a very good Safety Manual. Visit my site if interested: Emilla Consulting |
Best wishes.
Ed Llarena, Jr.
Managing Partner
Emilla Consulting
From Philippines, Parañaque
A company can only be said to have "complied fully with the safety" requirements mandated by law if it can pass the Occupational Safety and Health (OSHIA) requirements of the government and the ILO (International Labor Organization).
In this regard, organizations would do well to visit their OSHIA representative office and get those requirements in place in their plants/ offices.
One strategy of ensuring compliance with OSHIA requirements is the development and implementation of a Safety Manual. This manual will help the company ensure "zero accident" and teachc their employees on how to work safely everyday.
My company sells a very good Safety Manual. Visit my site if interested: Emilla Consulting |
Best wishes.
Ed Llarena, Jr.
Managing Partner
Emilla Consulting
From Philippines, Parañaque
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