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Greetings Folks,
I am planning to develop a E-NEWSLETTER for my company, even our employees are working in different locations in different companies. So we can make them know whatz happening at our company. So can anyone help me out with giving me suggestions what are the contents should be there in the E-Newsletter, I would be grateful to them who can share some infos or share some E-Newsletter here.

From India, Bangalore
Wow, Thanx Raj, I will surely go thru it, When I need your help, I will contact you. your reply gave me lot of Ideas, I think I will proceed with that as of now.
Will get back to you later!!
Thanx Again,
Bangalore, India.

From India, Bangalore
Hi Ahsok,
I hope you are back to office, If so please do send me a copy of E-Newsletter, and Tell me what is the difference between E-Newsletter and E-Zine.. Is it something which has more pages than E-newsletter?
Which is better? and where e-zine is used and e-newsletter is used?
Searching for more info on these.

From India, Bangalore
Hello Promod,

The line between E-Zine and E-Newsletter is very thin. Both are meant for distributing the information across but there is a certain difference in theory.

E-Newsletter:- Is sent to subscribers OR in your case it can be distributed to a community of people (in this case subscription may not be necessary). Basically it contains only the information which you want to convey. In theory this is not used for commercial purpose (but practically anything can be violated), I mean no advertisements etc… E-Newsletter is a standalone body and requires no external dependencies such as server, internet/intranet etc... All the content is distributed as part of E-Newsletter.

E-Zine:- The term E-Zine is coined from Electronic Magazine. It could be a web site on your server. Interested can browse but this also can be circulated for subscribers but not as a whole E-Zine but as links to selected topics. You are correct that in theory the pages OR size of E-Zine is high, so it always resides in your server and interested could only be sent links to various high-lights of each version. Note that if you are concentrating on an intranet distribution the server must be accessible by all the subscribers in this case.

All above are theory, they both can be mixed based on the commercial and personal requirements. I am sure that the terms in B2B OR WWW are only subjective words and not to do much technically.

As a whole,

‘E-Newsletter - An E-Newsletter is a newsletter sent via e-mail to subscribers.’

‘E-Zine; a part-promotional, part-informational newsletter or magazine distributed on the Internet.’

Hope I am clear; let me know if you need much on this topic. BTW, am searching for a suitable E-Newsletter that can be distributed outside; let you know once I found the same.



Hi Ashok,
Thank you so much, I am out of confusion after reading your reply, Even I am planning to search 1 good E-Newsletter, I am searching for a tool which is user friendly to create - E-Newsletter, Right now, if I get all the stuffs - like Pics, infos etc, I think I can use Outlook express and create e-newsletter. I prefer E-newsletter initially, may be later I can opt for E-zine.
Thank you so much once again

From India, Bangalore
I'll give you basic points or my sharing,
- candidates professional & personal experience (ask for small write ups)
- track development in the technology or area your company is working(research)
- track company corporate business news
- may have one humour column
- company announcement for specially on locations emps & champs.
- companies heads message if any.
- make it lively
- publish orginal material
that's it or small suggestions....

From India, Delhi
Hello Promod,

Are you going to directly create E-Newletter OR you are going to co-ordinate a person OR team for creating E-Newletter?

It is always better to do a research/study on HTML and/or web based technologies before starting the task. There are some sites offer (free of cost) E-Newsletter generation supports, I couldn’t remember exactly the URL. Anyways a simple GOOGLE search will do this for you.

BTW, still am out of office and I will NOT be back until May 24th. But you can communicate for any information; after all I don’t know much on HR internals.

Anyways am clubbing some clarification with this post as below,

Even though I am a technical guy, it is a must to deal with the team to complete the accepted assignments. So more over HR dept, I guess mostly the middle OR upper technical management plays intangible HR role in most of the organizations. I am not here to debate whether this is correct OR not, but this is the fact, over load and unknown region. So coming to my question, in this practical scenario how the effectively the HR dept. can remove this unknown overload forced on Technical management?

Thanks in advance,


Hi Raj,

Indeed we have a team who are developing HR Portal, So I am planning to give my suggestions and propose to the top management about E-Newsletter,

As you said I need to search in google or look for some other software which supports helping to create e-Newsletter.

Coming to your question - As you said The upper technical management plays Intangible role, but you see the HR cannot be viewed in Micro, it has various activities where decision making is one of the major factor, I agree they are indeed a support to the whole organistaion, still they have major role to keep the employees going.

They might not directly contribute for the growth of organisatin, but if you see there is increase in attrition, the technical people will not be responsible, its HR who has to be responsible and should curb that. So I see that by default the roles have been distrubed. Coming to overload on Tech mgt, I think the Top Management has to look over this.

The HR can make some plans like sending on vaccation to overcome the stress etc. I have given my view on this. You can have your own views.

Understanding a machine is easier, than the Humans!

From India, Bangalore

Was indeed a gud discussion on e-newsletter n e-zine.

M the Chief editor of my organsiation's internal magazine. somewhere in teh discussion, u'll were discussing abt the potential topics that can b covered in such magazines. wud like 2 share wat we r doing in our magazine.

we've given a big facelift 2 teh company magazine since the last 6 mths. earlier-prior 2 my takin up the responsibility as the chief editor, the magazine was mroe of a technical magazine with details abt hte events, news n performance of the company n the MD's message....

felt that this is restricting the influence n effect that the magazine can have n therefore decided 2 transform the magazine into a completely reader friendly employee n family magazine.

we decided 2 have sections of varied interests 2 suit teh reading inclinations of the technical employees, the commercial employees & also those interested in light reading n self development. also teh magazine now talks abt fields which r of interest nt only 2 hte employee bt also 2 his family including kids...

we have teh foll sections in the magazine

Application section (talks of technical advancements in the industry n our own achievements n innovations)

Knowledge sharing (talks of general management fundas & self development tools)

Experience sharing(here employees share abt trainings n get-togethers or some other forums within the company 4m which tehy've benefitted-its n open sharing by employees)

Book Review (as the name suggests, in every issue we take up a book n give a summary)

Talents & Achievements (here we capture the talents & achievements of the children of our employees)

Hobbies & Interests (talks of the hobbies & interests of our employees. we capture the unique hobbies practiced by our employees in each issue)

Travel & Leisure- talks of memorable trips of our employees

Health & Fitness (articles & tips 4 health & Fitness)

IT Pick (general information related 2 IT)

Inspirtional Gems

Events & Happennings (captures all major events & celebrations in the company at all locations)

Long Service Awards -hs photograps of all the long service award winners during the time under consideration

New Family Members - preliminary details abt all the new joinees

Kid's corner (has puzzles, fun games, activities 4 kids of different age bands)

food 4 Thought- contains n inspiring & motivating article for self development

So this is how we go abt with our company magazine....



From India, Chennai
Those interested in knowing the basic considerations before launching a newsletter might find this helpful:
From India, Mumbai
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