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Good all, Could the community please give me a sample Human Resource Policy and procedures manual that contains a step by step flow of the processes? Thank you
From Nigeria, Lagos
Hi, I am also keen to know about that but i heard that there will be difference between each company on their policies
From India, Bangalore
Dear Monike
Please find attach herewith the Employee Policy Hand book of my Organisation, I have prepared the same recently. Now we are processing for implementation.
Plz check and share your views and suggestions.
Best Regards
Arindam Ray
Asstt. Manager - HR
GTZ(India) Pvt. Ltd.
West Bengal
#916349 2222

From India, Calcutta
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: doc EMPLOYEE HAND BOOK GTZ.doc (1.01 MB, 2280 views)

Dear Moniek, please see the attachment this will help you out. regards jyoti Swamy
From India, Pune
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: doc 28.4.2010-Sparkline Jyoti HR Manual2 FINAL- change.doc (448.5 KB, 1179 views)

Dear Arindam,
You have prepared nicely Employee Handbook. I shall go through the same and suggest any additions, if required. Do you have Key Maintenance Policy or Agreement? Sometimes, we handover keys of the department to open and close to certain employees. Do you make any Agreement with the person (many companies take signatures of the person who takes keys in the register with Security). Legally, how we will make him responsible?
Govind Desai


From India, Mumbai
hi tupur & Jyoti, thanks for giving more useful stuff, by this i come to know what is HR Manual, this is my previlage for me to thank you both regards ARUN.S
From India, Bangalore
Anyone can mail me a format of HR manual and HR handbook to It will be a great help to me as iam a fresher in this field.Its in kerala.Pls help me seniors.Tomorrow is my 4th working day in a new company.My superior told me to prepare an HR manual and HR handbook.
From India, Chennai
Dear Seniors,

I hope this message finds you well.

I am reaching out to you with a query. Our company provides security and facility services. Can you suggest an employee handbook for our white-collar employees?

From India, Hyderabad
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