I have never filed annual return for POSH act. Can you guide me on a process as i need to get the same done for my new organization. Thank you
From India, Noida
From India, Noida
The Internal Committee shall prepare and File their Annual Report for the Calendar Year 2019 as prescribed under Section-21 of the "Sexual Harassment of Woman at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act 2013.
This Mandatory Report shall be Filed before District Officer notified under Section-5 of the said Act.
A copy of the IC Annual Report shall be forwrded to the Employer/Head of Institution to enable the Employer/Head of Institution (of Company Regd under the Companies Act) to incorporate the said IC Annual Report in the Company's Annual Report filed before the ROC (Registrar of Companies).
Team of Spl Educators , Kritarth Consulting;
Bengaluru Assistance Centre
From India, Delhi
This Mandatory Report shall be Filed before District Officer notified under Section-5 of the said Act.
A copy of the IC Annual Report shall be forwrded to the Employer/Head of Institution to enable the Employer/Head of Institution (of Company Regd under the Companies Act) to incorporate the said IC Annual Report in the Company's Annual Report filed before the ROC (Registrar of Companies).
Team of Spl Educators , Kritarth Consulting;
Bengaluru Assistance Centre
From India, Delhi
Can you please guide me to file the POSH return in Karnataka & West Bengal state. Also please share the form.
Hello Sir, Can you do me a favour to download the format of Annual Return on sexual harassment act 2013. I need it to file AR for 19-20. Regards
From India, Delhi
From India, Delhi
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