Dear All, Please let me know the procedure of "Standing Orders Certification", is it necessary for every organisation to get the certification done, and what are the advantages. Thanks & Regards
From India, Mumbai
From India, Mumbai
Who will authorize to standing order copy of above 500 Employees and what are the documents require
From India, Bangalore
From India, Bangalore
Dear Member,
As per section 10(2) of the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 you can apply to Certifying Officer, Haryana to have standing orders modified & such application shall be accompanied by five copies of modifications proposed to be made. Further procedure is the same as was there while applying for first standing orders.
From India, Delhi
As per section 10(2) of the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 you can apply to Certifying Officer, Haryana to have standing orders modified & such application shall be accompanied by five copies of modifications proposed to be made. Further procedure is the same as was there while applying for first standing orders.
From India, Delhi
Dear Cite HR MEMBERS. 21.2.2020.
Dear Sir,
I am providing below a writeup on S.O., Kindly go thru them. I hope; it is useful.
I am providing below some of the important Obligations, Utility etc., of above S.O. Act., S.O. is an important Act governing the Relationship between the Employer / Master / Co., & its workers/employees; stipulating the t & c. binding them; breach of which will lead to action against the Workers / Employees & also the Employer. It protects Co's interest when some problem comes; like Suspension, Termination, Dismissal, Strike, Layoff, Retrenchment etc. Many P&A Mgrs. are quick to issue S.C.Notice etc. but donot check; wherefrom he gets the power to issue them or whether the charges are included in the Cos.C.S.O. or else; the aggrieved employee will take the issue to L.C.
Some of the details of S.O. are given below. I hope; it is informative & useful for your works. S.O. contains important Rules & Regulations, important t&c to be Certified by the L.C. It is an Important document of the Co.,for I.R. functions of HR Mgmnt. Pl.go thru. all & revert for any query..
The Draft Standing Orders are to be submitted to the Deputy / Labour Commissioner of the Region; as per the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, once the employees strength reaches to 50; in TN and Karnataka. (100 in some States).
The Govt. gives every Company obliged to adopt S.O; 6 months time to the Owner /Occupier / MD/GM so that; they get enough time to study the Model SO, draft, frame, their own SO., taking into account the required terms & conditions specific to the Cos.needs; to regulate the employment Conditions under them; within the Legal obligations under the SO Act; since ultimately; the Owner/Director will be accountable/ answerable for the faithful observation of the t&c in SO.. SO cannot be copy paste. The Owner/Occupier should correct the Draft; incorporating essential points specific to his Company's needs, discuss with his HODs, Co.Rep/Union & then send the Draft to LC. It is an imp.document of the Co. tobe given to all- to create awareness & to educate them about the obligations, duties, responsibilities etc.,.
WHY STANDING ORDERS (S.O.) - I.D. Act - Issues.
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A Certified STANDING ORDERS under Indus. Employment (S.O) Act; empowers the Co. to take Disc. Action against its Erring Empl’s. for violating T&C in S.O. BUT; the Co. cannot punish Empl’s. for acts not included in S.O. - SUPREME COURT.
Company Suspends, Terminates employees leading to Litigation, grievance; damaging Co.reputation; besides wasting Co.’s time & Money. TERMINATION WITHOUT ENQUIRY / NATURAL JUSTICE etc. IS ILLEGAL & Court can re-instate such Empl’s.
S.O. Act obliges Cos.with 50+ adopt S.O. to regulate Employment conditions, Master-Servant Relation -tobe Certified by DLC & displayed for infn. & compliance by Co. & all empls.
Imp.Do’s, Don’t’s, Duties of Empl’s.,Obligations of Workers, Mgmnt, Mis-conducts for which empl’s. LIABLE FOR DISCI.ACTION-80 points. Imp.t& Appt.Order.-for Sk.empl.-20,Suprvsrs & above-30. Pl.include Imp.acts/Conducts in S.O. & A.O.,and Follow PROCEDURES of NATURAL JUSTICE to make Co’s. action Legal.
Every P&A Mgr. must have all Imp. Acts, Systems, Rules, Forms to administer HR works effectively & Professionally; as P&A Mgr. is answerable to
F.I., L.I., PFI, ESI, Gratuity, PT, other Govt. Officers, Auditors, HODs, GM/MD, Employees etc., and he has to solve all employees problems; keep Records in Per. Files for future ref. DURING THE LIFE OF EMPLOYEES & CO. ITSELF.
================================================== =======
I am providing Training to Individual P&A Mgrs., Company Officials etc.; to ASSIST them to improve their P&A. works with S.O.P. for Factory, Mines, all Estts., Office Admn.; HR Auditing, Recruitment, Attendance, Salary, Benefit , Leave Admin., Leave Card System, Grading of employees, PA, PMS, HRIS, MIS., All Policies, Procedures, Legal, Statutory Compliance, C.L., Regn., Licence, PF, ESI, Inspection by F.I.,L.I.etc., from Recruitment to Separation – from Regn.of Factories to Closure as per Cos.& Govt.Rules; with all Systems, Rules, Forms for H.R. Management - in Soft & Hard Copy - for easy Adoption.
I can provide you all Updated, Ready-to-use HR Systems, Rules, Forms & assist you to implement them.
Thanking you & awaiting to hear from you.
With Kind Regards,
C.N. Khan,HR,Mgmnt Consultant&Advocate(Ex-AGM-HR&A-35 yrs exp. in HR,IR,LegalAdmn.in7 Mfg.Co.s.
Ph: 9535470460- E-Mailid:
Ex-Member, NIPM, Calcutta, Ex- Tr.Member, I.I.M., B;luru.
Languages known: English, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu
From India, Mumbai
Dear Cite HR MEMBERS. 21.2.2020.
Dear Sir,
I am providing below a writeup on S.O., Kindly go thru them. I hope; it is useful.
I am providing below some of the important Obligations, Utility etc., of above S.O. Act., S.O. is an important Act governing the Relationship between the Employer / Master / Co., & its workers/employees; stipulating the t & c. binding them; breach of which will lead to action against the Workers / Employees & also the Employer. It protects Co's interest when some problem comes; like Suspension, Termination, Dismissal, Strike, Layoff, Retrenchment etc. Many P&A Mgrs. are quick to issue S.C.Notice etc. but donot check; wherefrom he gets the power to issue them or whether the charges are included in the Cos.C.S.O. or else; the aggrieved employee will take the issue to L.C.
Some of the details of S.O. are given below. I hope; it is informative & useful for your works. S.O. contains important Rules & Regulations, important t&c to be Certified by the L.C. It is an Important document of the Co.,for I.R. functions of HR Mgmnt. Pl.go thru. all & revert for any query..
The Draft Standing Orders are to be submitted to the Deputy / Labour Commissioner of the Region; as per the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, once the employees strength reaches to 50; in TN and Karnataka. (100 in some States).
The Govt. gives every Company obliged to adopt S.O; 6 months time to the Owner /Occupier / MD/GM so that; they get enough time to study the Model SO, draft, frame, their own SO., taking into account the required terms & conditions specific to the Cos.needs; to regulate the employment Conditions under them; within the Legal obligations under the SO Act; since ultimately; the Owner/Director will be accountable/ answerable for the faithful observation of the t&c in SO.. SO cannot be copy paste. The Owner/Occupier should correct the Draft; incorporating essential points specific to his Company's needs, discuss with his HODs, Co.Rep/Union & then send the Draft to LC. It is an imp.document of the Co. tobe given to all- to create awareness & to educate them about the obligations, duties, responsibilities etc.,.
WHY STANDING ORDERS (S.O.) - I.D. Act - Issues.
================================================== =========
A Certified STANDING ORDERS under Indus. Employment (S.O) Act; empowers the Co. to take Disc. Action against its Erring Empl’s. for violating T&C in S.O. BUT; the Co. cannot punish Empl’s. for acts not included in S.O. - SUPREME COURT.
Company Suspends, Terminates employees leading to Litigation, grievance; damaging Co.reputation; besides wasting Co.’s time & Money. TERMINATION WITHOUT ENQUIRY / NATURAL JUSTICE etc. IS ILLEGAL & Court can re-instate such Empl’s.
S.O. Act obliges Cos.with 50+ adopt S.O. to regulate Employment conditions, Master-Servant Relation -tobe Certified by DLC & displayed for infn. & compliance by Co. & all empls.
Imp.Do’s, Don’t’s, Duties of Empl’s.,Obligations of Workers, Mgmnt, Mis-conducts for which empl’s. LIABLE FOR DISCI.ACTION-80 points. Imp.t& Appt.Order.-for Sk.empl.-20,Suprvsrs & above-30. Pl.include Imp.acts/Conducts in S.O. & A.O.,and Follow PROCEDURES of NATURAL JUSTICE to make Co’s. action Legal.
Every P&A Mgr. must have all Imp. Acts, Systems, Rules, Forms to administer HR works effectively & Professionally; as P&A Mgr. is answerable to
F.I., L.I., PFI, ESI, Gratuity, PT, other Govt. Officers, Auditors, HODs, GM/MD, Employees etc., and he has to solve all employees problems; keep Records in Per. Files for future ref. DURING THE LIFE OF EMPLOYEES & CO. ITSELF.
================================================== =======
I am providing Training to Individual P&A Mgrs., Company Officials etc.; to ASSIST them to improve their P&A. works with S.O.P. for Factory, Mines, all Estts., Office Admn.; HR Auditing, Recruitment, Attendance, Salary, Benefit , Leave Admin., Leave Card System, Grading of employees, PA, PMS, HRIS, MIS., All Policies, Procedures, Legal, Statutory Compliance, C.L., Regn., Licence, PF, ESI, Inspection by F.I.,L.I.etc., from Recruitment to Separation – from Regn.of Factories to Closure as per Cos.& Govt.Rules; with all Systems, Rules, Forms for H.R. Management - in Soft & Hard Copy - for easy Adoption.
I can provide you all Updated, Ready-to-use HR Systems, Rules, Forms & assist you to implement them.
Thanking you & awaiting to hear from you.
With Kind Regards,
C.N. Khan,HR,Mgmnt Consultant&Advocate(Ex-AGM-HR&A-35 yrs exp. in HR,IR,LegalAdmn.in7 Mfg.Co.s.
Ph: 9535470460- E-Mailid:
Ex-Member, NIPM, Calcutta, Ex- Tr.Member, I.I.M., B;luru.
Languages known: English, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu
From India, Mumbai
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