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Dear All, I have attached a list of HR Books which would be helpful for all... Hope so :)
From India, Bangalore
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File Type: xls Recommended Books with Rating.xls (30.5 KB, 3663 views)

Hi, Thanks for your kind co operation reguarding " list of HR Books." can you gime me current slab rate of professional tax in west Bengal. Thanks & regards
From India, New Delhi
Dear mahesh, would pls send the e book of those you are mentioned in the excel file. because to buy the listed books we need lot of money.
From India, Hyderabad
For student like to read in hindi or english can read, "personel mgt and industral relation" by c.b. Memoria
From India, Faridabad
Hi Mahesh, Thanks for uploading such a good list. Surely I will refer to this list sometime in my life or at my next book purchase. Thanks & Regards, Gurbinder Singh.
From India, Hoshiarpur
Hi, My colleague has resigned from his job and he has not completed 1year service,kindly letme know the notice period to relieve him according to ACT.
From India, Bangalore
Swetha, I would send it in a while... If you need any thing specific do let me know that with a private message..
From India, Bangalore
Hello Sowmya, The notice period would have been clearly stated in the appointment letter.. Please do check with that and let me know if you need anything specific...
From India, Bangalore
Dear Renu Gandhi, please do be specific on to requirements of what excise return... Is it to the favor of employee or employer. Again in which industry ?
From India, Bangalore
Hi, This is Rakesh Gupta, I have seen the HR Book that is really a good, This is really great feeling with sharing such kind of book with us please stay in touch. with best regard
From India, Delhi
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