Suggestion For Celebrating HOLI At Office Premise

I am planning HOLI celebration at office premise on 20th March '08. Employee strength is 50 pple. Pls suggest some ways of making it enjoyable.
Thnks & Rgds,
Dear Sawti,
I think Holi is agood time to celebrate, bcoz after that it'll be months befre anything else for employees can be arranged.
I believe in keeping it Simple where employees gather to enjoy and connect with each other.
So, it can be a small party after 5.00 pm for 2-3 hrs, a snacks party where the HR will falicitate everybody with a Gulal tika and a box of Sweets.
You can choose from varied items for snacks keeping in mind the background and tastes of the enployees.
Also, keep some games, light ones to keep them active and the party happening. You can also keep Holi Antarakshi Competition and all..
Best of Luc
Paulami Das
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