Should I Mention My Experiance In CV

Dear All

I have completed MBA(HR) in June 2007...After that I joined one consultancy & worked there for 6 months with salary of 5000 per month ( June-Dec 2007)...Now I appeared for other course .... so I left that job...Please guide me should I mention this experience in my CV or not the salary is too less as per the market value...Please guide me...
Hello friend,
In my opinion there is no need to hide anything. Please mention chronologically [ with dates] about the job and experience, name of consultancy and salary. Do not hesitate to state the correct salary.
Let your CV be "open book" it will help you all through your future career.
I agree with Nishikant; you should mention your experience on your CV, because who knows that may be exact requirement of your new employer.
Hi Bharat
Follow the truth always!
This will lead you ahead always- later OR sooner!!
hai vidya
I think once you are mentioning your experience, i think its better to call it as RESUME rather than CV.
Its always good to mention experience.
Go AHead!!!!
Hi Vidhya,

Gdmrg! Its always good to mention your full experience irrespective of the issues, as it will add a good value to your profile. I would suggest to be "open". and regarding the salary part - No worries as its not a big issue.

Keep smiling :D

i feel you should mention this period as otherwise there will be a gap in your resume You can clarify that this was the period when you educating and improving yourself
If you are learned about recruitment and its process, then go ahead with mentioning your experience in CV.
Dear Vidhya,
A good recruiter is not going to look at the type of experience but the quality as well as what you have learnt from it. We learn a lot more about professionalism (attire, punctuality, workplace behaviour, etc.) when we join work than just the work itself. As to the salary, again a good recruiter will know that there is a wide discrepancy in salary structures within a city itself, so they would focus on your capabilities rather than your previous salary when determining their offer.
Also, if you want to differentiate yourself from your classmates who are new to the corporate world, your past experience should give you an edge if you use if effectively.
So, please do include your experience, as all the others have already suggested. Good luck.
-- Srinivas
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