Secret Of Success! - Zip Download

Dear All,
Find attached a beautiful presentation on the secret of success.
Please don't ask me to forward the same.
1 Attachment(s) [Login To View]

Hi Praveen,
That was a nice presentation. But I would like to say few things. You have written "do not ask me to forward this presentation". To me it sounds rude. People request to forward a presentation when they find it difficult to open it. So our first task is to make sure that the attachment is virus free. In your case the attachment was in good condition. So there was no reason to write such thing.
Your presentation talks about importance of communication skills. So I think you must learn from your attachment and stop using UNNESSARY WORDS.
Thank you for your appreciation. With respect to the request of forwards I always ensure that the attachments which I post are always good. I have been on this site for sometime now and have experienced quite a few personnel who keep asking me to forward the same without even trying to open the posting.
I am not rude it is just out of previous experience I wrote that statement.
Hope I clarified your point.
Hi Praveen,
I understood your point.The way you replied me shows that you are a very mature person. I am sure you must be a very good HR person as well. Best of luck.
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