what i think is in this case you need to consider on the company's strentgths and oppurtunites and simultaneously you should also take care of the particular applicants interests. there must be something good in the orgn and you will exploit that good and collaborate it with the individauls interests.
what i was asked in the interivew was exactly opposite that i have to convince a candidate for an orgn that is at par with the one in whch the cndidate is already working with repect to salray, facilities, allowances, benefits and designationand salary. so waht i replied to the question is that i offer him more challengeing jobs, job enrichment, more authoriy and autonomy and obviously some relaxtions would always be there and i will also convice him by saying that the orgn is high perf orgn which will foster beter career growth and learning and dev in near future.
what do you think.?