Dear Sukumar,
In my opinion, you have to maintain the record for atleast 5 years. I dont know that is there any hard and fast rules about this?
Also, it depends on the size of the organization.
Dear kumar,
Firstly i would like to tell you a new thing practising in the organizations. As i recently joined a new organization, in which we have biometric thumb reader. That thumb reader is directly connected to the PC at the reception. With the help of this there is no need of registering the attendance Manually. PC will keep on saving data.
If the number of employees are between 50-100 then its feasible to maintain it. But if the number of employees are more than 100 then Bio metric machines are the best options.
Hi Sukumar,
It is important to maintain Attendance register as well as leave register on regular basis. An Inspector can came from Labour Dept after sending a notice for inspection purposes. The same should be different for regular and contract employees.
If in the company, you are maintaing any software for attendance records then a special premission is required from labour dept for the same.
according to my knowledge a company having <= 150 employees should maintain every records up to 15years and if it is less it can maintainupto 7 years.
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