POSH presiding officer - Should the presiding officer of POSH be a female?

Should the presiding officer of POSH be a female?
Yes the Presiding officer of an Internal Committee under Posh Act should be a senior woman for addressing Sexual Harassment Complaints in an organization.

Why: To ensure complaints addressed promptly
To encourage women to come forward when they experience sexual harrasment
To ensure inquiry process at right direction
To ensure both Complainant and respondent are respected.
Suresh Rathi
Ch 2 of POSH Act 2013 is very clear on the subject.
The composition of the committee is spelt out --It has to be a lady

Col.Suresh Rathi
As per the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, the Internal Committee (IC) must be presided over by a female presiding officer. This provision aims to:
- Prevent biases
- Ensure prompt action is initiated on each case
- Provide support to the aggrieved and alleged victims
- Ensure a fair and sensitive inquiry process

Amol Navkve
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