What are the settlement types in the Industrial Dispute Act?

Jayesh Sonawane
What are the settlement types in the Industrial Dispute Act?
A settlement can be bilateral settlement or a tripartie settlement. The former is a settlement between the workers and the management (18(1) settlement) and the latter is a settlement arrived in the presence of a conciliation officer (12(3) settlement)

There are two types of settlements under the ID Act as follows:

Tri-partite Settlement: First one is the Tripartite Settlement under section 12 (3) of the ID Act. This settlement will generally be executed before the Conciliation Officer or a Government Authority. This is binding on the parties and they cannot raise any dispute on the validity or the legality of this settlement.

Bi-partite Settlement: The second one is bi-partite settlement under section 18 (1) of the ID Act in which only two parties will be there i.e. the Government will not be a party to this kind of settlement. The validity of this settlement is challengeable though it is arrived at as per the provisions of the ID Act. But when the relationship with the Union is very good, generally, companies prefer to go for bilateral settlement and send the copies to the concerned government and labor department authorities for registering this as a settlement under the ID Act.
The Industrial Disputes Act of 1947 (ID Act) provides for three main types of settlement for industrial disputes.
1. Conciliation: A third party helps the employer and workers resolve the dispute through persuasion and mutual agreement
2. Arbitration: A neutral arbitrator makes a binding decision to resolve the dispute
3. Adjudication: A labor court, tribunal, or national tribunal makes a ruling to resolve the dispute
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