Minimum No:of Days To Be Given As Holidays In A Year

K. Sowmya
Hi friends,
My company is an ITES company.. Kindly let me know the minimum no:of days to be given as holidays in any particular year...
Pls...give the exact no. as per rules and regulations & which is mandatory for a company...
Dear Madam,

It is the statutory obligation on the part of the employer to get a minimum of five Festival holidays (other than 26th Jan,1st May, 15th Aug., 2nd Oct. ) approved by the juridictional Inspecting authority under the Act. the procedure is as under:

Tamilnadu Industrial Establishments (National & Festival holidays) Act.

a) To allow every employee in each calendar year, a holiday on 26th Jan,1st May, 15th Aug., 2nd Oct. and five other holidays for such festivals as the employer may specify in consultation with employees.

b) To submit proposal for the specification of festivals if FORM No.I in duplicate along with a copy of notice in FORM No.II to the Jurisdictional Inspector.

c) To display holidays list approved in FORM No.III in the premises of establishment .

d) The employer should send to the Inspector a statement showing the holidays allowed in the calendar year under section 3 in FORM No. V and also display the same in the premises.

e) The employer should serve a Notice in FORM NO.V-A on the employee who is required to work on any of the approved holiday, not less than 24 hours before such holiday.

f) To give twice the wages to employees who work on such holidays or normal wages with a substituted holiday.

g) To maintain register in Form VI.

For all other Labour Laws related queries, please


mobile: 09444464919


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