BGV failure of re hiring due to performance issue due to health.

I recently joined a new company. Now in BGV verification my previous employee gave negative feedback about re hiring me as they did not meet our performance expectations . But I had health issues which caused it . Now I have a meeting with new HR and how do I handle this issue. I never had any negative feedback from any other company and even when I tried to get reference from my manager as personal testimonials the previous company HR is blocking that by saying as per company policy all reference from managers will also go through HR only though she had not shown me any policy papers for this . How do I handle this situation with my new manager in company meeting ? I had documents and i resigned from the company after they put me in PIP but within 5 days they discussed with me , relived me from project and asked me to put resignation which I put and I completed all exist formalities and served notice period. Is it really professional of HR to do such things to employees and how do I now explain this to my new HR ? Also there was some resizing done in project as well but my previous HR said I can not say that as they won't accept it. What should I do ???
This is very bad show of the HR. When an employee's performance is not up to the expectations you can ask him to go. When he does so, the game should end there. Taking it to the next level by which that employee's career is spoiled is not ethical. The person putting 'No' against a question whether he is eligible for rehire should understand that he is also an employee, and the same situation may come to him also. If the same employer says that it was the mistake of the HR person who could not identify the right candidate, how can he respond?

Normally, just on the ground of one 'No' in the background verification, you may not lose your employment. There is one possibility, you may be on probation, and during probation the current employer can evaluate your performance and decide whether you would be fit for the work offered or not. Then take a call. Therefore, you can very well tell the HR that the period of your probation is the period available to him (the HR or any reporting Officer in the new company) to decide whether or not to keep me in service. If he is to depend on the reports of the background verification agency or any previous employers, naturally, he may not find any resource to work for him. This is because most of the employers will be unhappy if a good employee leaves, and that will be reflected in the feedback given in any background verification. At the same time, they will be happy to endorse positive remarks on employees who had created headache to them if they leave. Therefore, try to convince the HR about the situation, but bear in mind that you have only 6 months or such period equal to probation to establish that your previous employer was wrong in saying that you did not deserve to be rehired.
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