Is gratuity applicable in this case? Eligible for gratuity starting 2020 when we registered in PF?

My company got registered in 2015 with a count of 7 employees. But the company got registered in PF in the year 2020 after we had more than 20 employees. One of the employees wishes to leave this month in 2024. Is she eligible for gratuity starting 2015, or is she eligible for gratuity starting 2020 when we registered in PF?
Don't link gratuity with other acts such As ESI, EPF etc.

Payment of Gratuity Act says that employment tenure & not the registered date as well. Need to calculate number of years from the date of employee joined the organisation.

Any doubts you can reach me
As rightly stated above,

Gratuity is applicable even if employees count goes below 10. But ensure whether he / she had completed of continues service of Five Years.
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