When Sunday is to be marked as leave or weekly off - when weekends fall within the leaves

I recently joined a Factory, where factories act is being carried out for the workers. Also, it has only one leave in a month, and it has to be taken compulsorily, so please help me to clarify how I should mark Sunday as weekly off or leave.
1) When a worker has worked from Monday to Friday and from Saturday, and next week Monday to Wednesday, is he/she taking leave?
2) When a worker has worked from Monday to Thursday and from Friday, Saturday, and next week Monday, is he/she taking leave?
Please explain both scenarios.
The day of rest is usually Sunday, but it can be any other day of the week, depending on the employer's decision. the labor laws in India do not mandate an employer to provide leave on Sundays.
Your question lacks clarity. In situation 1, is it that the employee has worked from Monday to Friday, and again from Monday to Wednesday? So, the employee did not work on Saturday, and is Sunday the weekly off day ? In that case, the Saturday has to be treated as leave as is admissible and Sunday is a paid weekly holiday.
2.In situation 2 it is presumed that the employee has worked from Monday to Wednesday, remained on leave from Thursday to Saturday, availed weekly off on Sunday and is back on duty on Monday, in that case, Sunday is to be a paid holiday.
If the employee has worked on the preceding or the succeeding day to the weekly off then it is a paid holiday but if the weekly off is sandwiched between two holidays then it has to be counted with the holiday and is not to be excluded.
Factories Act 1948 postulates that the first day of the week has to be a weekly off day and has to be paid.
@ scratch geometry dashScenario 1: Worker works from Monday to Friday, Saturday, and next week Monday to Wednesday
Days Worked:
Week 1: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday (6 days)
Week 2: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (3 days)
Weekly Off/Leave:
Sunday should be counted as the weekly off. Assuming the factory’s policy aligns with a 7-day week where Sunday is the off day, the worker gets one day off as mandated.
Since the worker has worked continuously except for Sunday, this one day can be considered the weekly off.
Leave Consideration:
If Sunday is a weekly off, the worker hasn’t taken additional leave.
The worker has fulfilled their required leave condition by taking the Sunday off in the first week.
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