True. But when it is deducted for recovery of Notice Pay which is again an illegal deduction or recovery from an employee, it will be difficult to defend. Notice pay means an amount payable by an employer in order to terminate an employee. In the case of managers, employees having functional responsibilities of a manager, you can have notice period of one or three months, but in respect of others you cannot have any notice period in the contract of employment. If there is any notice period mentioned in the contract of employment, that will not be legally enforceable because the law does not say that in order to leave an employer, an employee should give notice or pay in lieu of notice though there is specific provision under the law which says that in order to terminate an employer the employer should give notice or pay salary in lieu of it. The notice required is one month and only when the establishment is a factory, mine or a plantation employing 100 or more employees then the notice period can be three months. Therefore, it is better not to go for recovery.