Retirement letter issuing to an employee, please share me draft copy

hem joshi
Retirement letter issuing to an employee, please share me draft copy of letter

Please refer the below template. You may edit as per your requirement.


Sub: Regarding your retirement from the service

Dear Mr.,

This is to inform you about your retirement from service on_____. We take this opportunity to thank you very much for your valuable contribution for these many years. Indeed you were a valuable member of our organization for a very long period. We were much thankful to your service. You are very much known for your dedication , sincerity and punctuality. Though we will miss your presence post retirement, we wish you a relaxed life after retirement. You were an inspiration and role model for many of your subordinates We thank you sincerely for your association with the organization and wish you good luck with your retirement. May you prosper well and stay healthy and happy forever.

Wish you good luck !

Added to the above you may also add DOJ; DOL; Designation / salary details as well in the letter.
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