What are the Benefits for Non - E.S.I Employees in India? Do they have any option to claim Medical Benefits?

What are the Benefits for Non - E.S.I Employees in India? Do they have any option to claim Medical Benefits?
Should be covered under EC Act in lieu EC Policy. Hospitalization Mediclaim Insurance as per the capacity of the organization. May be some domiciliary medical allowance if possible per year. Some with pay medical leave per year etc. The above may be considered as Non - ESI benefit.

S K Bandyopadhyay ( WB, Howrah)
CEO-USD HR Solutions
+91 98310 81531

For Employees who were not covered under ESIC, Employer may provide them Mediclaim (health insurance coverage) facility so as to claim in case of any medical emergency.
Legally, an employer is not required to provide any such medical facilities to employees who are out of ESI coverage. However, when it becomes necessary to provide compensation following Employees Compensation Act to employee who meets with accidents or dies during the course of employment, a policy will have to be taken. Other than that an employer has no legal obligation in respect of employees who are not covered by ESI. Still, as an employee benefits you can have different policies, some times to cover only the employees, sometimes to cover their spouses and children and some times cover their parents, depending upon the situations.
I like to intimate the employee above 21500/- Take home salary do they have any benefits on ESI.
If the net salary is Rs 21500the gross salary would be much more than this. In such a case you cannot bring him under ESI. True, if any travelling allowance or washing allowance is included in the above, then you can deduct them and see if the gross salary is less than 21000 and is yes give him ESI coverage.
EC is a mandatory requirement for employees who are out of ESIC.

What we do in our organization is
a) We have an EC policy with a small amount of medical re-reimbursement built-in. However, the medical part is not cashless.
b) we also cover these employees under a group medical cover (GMC)
c) In case of an accident we get him treated under GMC (preferably cashless) and compensate him under EC

Hope this helps.
Raghunath Sabat
As a Non-E.S.I (Employees' State Insurance) employees in India, individuals are not covered under the ESI scheme, which provides medical and certain other benefits to employees working in specific establishments. However, many organizations offer their own medical benefits and facilities to their employees as part of their employee welfare initiatives.
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