How to write a letter to an officer to depute an employee to another location?

How to write a letter to an officer to depute an employee to another location?

If the employee is moved to other location on temporary basis then it is called deputation. If the employee is moved to other location on a permanent basis then it is called transfer. Hope you are planning for deputation only.


Due to exigencies of Project / work requirement you are being deputed to _____ from___ to____.

You will report to ______

All other terms and conditions of your initial appointment not covered in this letter, will remain

Kindly sign and return the xerox copy of this letter as a token of your acceptance and acknowledgement

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


Some Companies will pay Deputation Allowance for deputed employees as per their grade entitlement till their completion of deputation period. If your Company is paying Deputation Allowance then you may mention about the deputation allowance in the deputation letter " You will be eligible for Deputation Allowance as per your Grade entitlement till the completion of Deputation period ".
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