Weekly Off - work on Friday & Saturday can we avail Sunday as weekly off?

Sir, I have a question if we can work on Friday & Saturday can we avail Sunday as weekly off or this will count leave.

Question is not very clear.

Sunday should be week off in general. So if you avail leave from Friday and Saturday , Sunday will considered as weekly off only.

However if you avail leave from Friday to Monday then most of the companies treat it as sandwich leave and 4 days leave will be deducted. So do not club leaves to avoid in between holidays being considered as leave.
If I understand your question correctly, you worked only Friday and Saturday and want to claim Sunday as paid weekly off.

As per law, you get a paid weekly off after working for 6 days.
Therefore, you are not entitled to the paid Sunday.

However, companies are often lenient and you may be eligible. you need to ask your HR team
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