I've put my resignation where in my notice period is of 3 months and I want to pay the same in lieu of notice but my employer is not agreeing on the same and in my offer letter it is written "Consequent to confirmation, the company may terminate your services by serving 3 (three) months' prior notice or on payment of an amount equivalent to 3 (three) months' gross salary/remuneration in lieu of the notice period, without assigning any reason thereof.
In case you decide to leave services of the Company consequent to confirmation, you will be required to serve 3 (three) months' prior notice to the Company or will pay an amount equivalent to 3 (three) months' gross salary/remuneration in lieu of the notice period, without assigning any reason thereof."
What should I do when I'm ready to pay in lieu of notice and the company is not agreeing?
In case you decide to leave services of the Company consequent to confirmation, you will be required to serve 3 (three) months' prior notice to the Company or will pay an amount equivalent to 3 (three) months' gross salary/remuneration in lieu of the notice period, without assigning any reason thereof."
What should I do when I'm ready to pay in lieu of notice and the company is not agreeing?