Dear Amtanna,
It appears that you have confused between "employee leave" and "closed holiday". The former is under the provisions of the Shops and Establishment Act or Factory Act of the respective state and the latter is under the provisions of the festival and national holidays act of the respective state.
In order to streamline the number of days of leave in your company, you need to check the provisions of the shops and establishment act of each state and fulfil the conditions. You may give more days of leave than stipulated but not less.
While following the provisions of the festival and national holidays act of the respective state, for the national holidays like 26th Jan, 1st May, 15th Aug and 2nd Oct, we don't have any control. These need to be given anyway. However, the declaration of the festival holidays is within the scope of your company. Your company may check the local requirements and declare the state holidays accordingly.
Though India is a country, because of the diversity in the cultures, it is a planet in itself. Therefore, your company may not be able to bring 100% similarity in the number of days of leave or the closed holidays. Because of the execution of the work in multiple states, you need to declare the state-wise list like the national banks.
Dinesh Divekar