Do you work on all the days without observing a common weekly off day for all the employees? If yes, you can give the new joinee his first weekly off after 6 days of his joining. In case you have a common weekly off, say Sunday, then what is that he will do in your company alone without others? Think practically, you will get answer for your question. When all are observing weekly off on Sunday, let him also have the first off on Sunday itself. If you are so mean that you do not want an employee to enjoy a day of rest before he completes 6 days work, then think of fixing Monday as a common joining day so that all the new joinees will work for 6 days before they get a weekly off. Since this person has already joined and 'enjoyed' a weekly off without completing or working for 6 days, you can compensate it when he leaves your company by asking him to work till Saturday and putting the last working as Saturday and not paying for that weekly off!!