Coal Mining Industry there were few cases detected that person employed in the mines in the age of 15 or 16 yrs under adolscent period. Now these employees has been superannuated from the service in the Yr 2018 and the length of service comes to more than 42 yrs. Is there any circular from GoI to the effect that no person can serve an organisation beyond 42 yrs of length of service. In the service file his DOA has been recorded as1975. The question is that whether gratuity will be prepared for 42 yrs length of service or actual service the employee rendered.
Kindly help by valuable suggestion and also provide any circular issued by GoI regarding length of service.
Coal Mining Industry there were few cases detected that person employed in the mines in the age of 15 or 16 yrs under adolscent period. Now these employees has been superannuated from the service in the Yr 2018 and the length of service comes to more than 42 yrs. Is there any circular from GoI to the effect that no person can serve an organisation beyond 42 yrs of length of service. In the service file his DOA has been recorded as1975. The question is that whether gratuity will be prepared for 42 yrs length of service or actual service the employee rendered.
Kindly help by valuable suggestion and also provide any circular issued by GoI regarding length of service.