First Action-Steps First, to be initiated, concurrently:
1. Ensure Your Establishment is Compliant with theShops & Esta Act/Rules of the Stae/Provice the Esta is Located;
2. Frame Service Rules, Codyfy the Rules, duly Approved by & Signed by the Employer or the Designated Authority
and Notify the Rules;
3. Constitute Internal Committee and Notify for Information & Compliance even if No Woman is Employed on your
Esta Muster Roll or that of any Contractors engaeede by the Esta Since being a Hotel Women are likely to
visit or be Present at your Hotel Premises;
per Section-4 of the Sexual Harassment of Women atWorkplace ( P,P &R) Act 2013;
4. Follow, faithfully & properly all other Laws applicable to Hotel Esta as in the State located.
5. Instil a Sense of Belongingness amongst Employees, Contract Labours & Customers Guests and the like;
Promote Humane Touch with People you all come into contact with
Kritarth Team of Organization Builders & Spl Educators