Missplacing Office properties and personal belongings at employee desk

Hi Am, Rayudu. Could you any one of send me a draft mail on the query. We are issuing the Company properties(LT, Mouse, Keyboard and Power adopters) to each employees while they join. But most of the employees are missplacing their items(Mouse, and Power adaptors). Again they are coming to us with new request of these items. I have to sent a mail to all employees stating that, once we issue the material its their responsibility to take care of their belongings. The mail which i will send to the employees should not feel bad and the content should not be harsh. Need your best suggestions through mail.
it is easy
make a sheet of all accessories including staplers
Table No ..... Name of Employee ............ Section ..........
The following items are are hand-over to you for ease of work, please check the items and sign back on bottom as acceptance, any willful damage of misplace would be sole responsibility yourself. for exchange of damaged Piece during work process contact Mr ................... as soon as possible.
1) Keyboard
2) Mouse
3) Mouse pad
4) stapler
5) printer cord
6) pen drive ( ......... GB)
7) portable DVD writer / portable power bank
(strike out which is not applicable, and mention the quantity in front of item)
Please sign and return after counting the items
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