You have received a lot of good advice. I am exercising an additional caution. I am not yet clear if Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act 1946 is applicable to your establishment. If yes, it is good for you to know that this Act gives the employers the right to call employees in shifts and to rotate them in shifts as per exigencies of work, (Clause 10 of the Model Standing Orders provided under the Act.)
Factories Act, as you know grants a right to extract 48 hours of each week.
However the Industrial Disputes Act 1947 at Sec. 9-A requires an employer to give a Notice of Change if he desires to bring about a change in any matters provided under the Fourth Schedule to the Industrial Disputes Act 1947. Your issue has to be seen within the coverage and applicability of these three legislations. The said Schedule, at item 4 covers an issue, "Hours of work and rest intervals." It is on the strength of this provision, the employees/unions challenge Management's actions in this nature.
But one does not have to worry if what we are changing is the "relay of shift" and NOT the "number of working hours" per se`. There is case law on the subject, available with any practising Labour Advocate of you town. If it is not readily available, please contact me and I will send you a copy of the judgement. Just remember that you have a right to change the "relay of the shift" without issuing a Notice of Change but if you want to change the "number of working hours" per week then you have to serve the Notice of Change under the Sec. 9-A if ID Act 1947. and tackle the issue thereafter. Whether a workman or a Union Leader from any function is NOT exempt from opereation of law and this aspect you must insistently enforce.
What I have presented is a statement of your rights and obligations on the subject, under applicable and it will help you take and implement a decision that will not back-fire. Hope it helps.
November 23, 2007