Patternity Leaves

I would like to know that when women gets around 60 days of paid maternity leaves, why men don't even get a week off for the same. Although we talk about equality and justice , we do not really practice the same. Already people dont' have more than 2 childrens now and with more & more men supporting their wives for the childcare , i think its high time we start having Patternity leaves in India. Pleas post your comments.
Dear Manisha,
I am absolutely in support of your post. Though no law has been formed in India regarding this issue but nowadays, many companies have started introducing this leave. I feel all the more bad for probationers. Confirmed employees can take leaves from their leave accounts but the probationers who does not have any leave in hand have to go through the painful without pay leaves.
I think till any legal act is introduced for the same we HR community should come forward and try to introduce it in our own companies. At least we can raise this issue in the management.
Hello Dear!
I am appreciating you to raise this issue. In our company gives 2 days only for the same. But last week week I taken 10 days for the same. Because for cesarian operation we(i.e. wife) want to take bed rest for atleast 10 days. But the company not providing. Definitely this is most important one for us. I am fully agree with you.
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Lavanya Ravisastry
Dear All,
I do agree with this issue.We need to bring in Paternity leave.I agree that some companies provide this type of leave.But it would be good if all Companies provide with such leave.In my Company it is only 2 days.We need to atleast give 1 week.
Lavanya :)
In India we already have a provision for the Paternity leaves.
It is 15days post delivery. I am not much aware about the amendments and laws supporting this but there are many companies which offers paterniy leave.
It is an excellent post raised. I don't think in India there is any rule for that. But i think something should be done on this direction. Though now a days many companies started giving peternity leave. Anyways a wonderful question raised.
Introducing Paternity leave will help both the male and female candidates, male - he will feel happy to be a part of post-delivery (birth of baby) period
female- relieved that her husband is with her for min. no. of days to share her bunlde of joy who comes with high degree of responsibility.
as an employee (male/female), would definately feel proud that his/her company has such provision, that the organisation cares for this sentiment of the employee.
Ambika Kamath
Rajeev Velur
Thanks for raising a Wonderful topic for discussion.
In recent times, With nuclear families in place all over India, it's high time he government considers this. Although some companies do have such leaves available, it is limited to handful of them. If the paternity leave is enacted just like the maternity leave... it would be a great.
Also this can act as a big moral booster to the employees and may be to some extent reduce Attrition.
Atleast as a community (HR) we all can start to discuss this issue with our respective managements and get atleast 5 days (1week) Paternity leave as a matter of policy.
What say ???
Dear Friends
Now Indian govt also following this Paternity leave,i don't have more information about this, please go through the 20/11/07 Times of India News Paper in that one artical published about the paternity leave applied by one IPS officer
Hi ,
It is correct In india we have a provision for 15 days Paternity Leaves.
I have seen in Govt offices employees are availing this.
In Private sector it is not at such level.
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