Employer harassment, compelling and bullying

Kumar 252
Hi All,
First of all, Iwould like to say thank you all on your helpful Suggestions.
Currently I am facing a type of difficulty with my employer.
I joined as a software engineer at a small IT company in Hyderabad 1.5 years ago. During my recruitment I had been told that 2 years bond, 3 months notice, first they offer trainee salary and appraisal after probation period. After probationary period completion my employer did not initiate my appraisal nor confirmation about continuation. I approached management and asked about hike, they said that they haven't evaluated my performance yet due to not much work assigned. In between I got a big assignment on which I went onsite and I finished it on time. After my 1 yr completion I approached them again this time they told that there a due from client and asked me to wait as well as asked me to sign on bond for 2 years period from my joing date. After 1.5 years they are willing to hike 10 percentage on my training salary, which I can't accept. Also recently I came to know that they want to send me onsite for 3 months without any prior intimation. They are telling that they spent 90k for visa and I must go. I have questioned them that without intimating me how can I prepare to travel. Actually, I have some family and property related issues to sort out. I also conveyed this to them but they are not listening me. My family also not willing to send onsite.
I don't know how to handle this situation. They have my certificates and a bond that I signed. Also I heard that they won't give certificates and relieving letter.
Kindly help me out how can I handle this situation.
Thank you.
They cannot hold your certificates . Bond will only affect payable amount in your full and final (if, mention there) otherwise no one bonded today.
In my opinion , talk to higher authority and place your reservation in this regards. Close this issue amicably otherwise last action of legal is available with you.
Kumar 252
Hi Mr. RK Singh,
Thank you for your prompt response.
Higher Authority (top management) only doing all this. There is no HR or line manager. Every thing is dictated/decided by them
Kumar 252
Most of us asked them during joining that why holding our original certificates as we experienced. They simply said it's company rule.
Kumar 252
What type of legal actions I can take? Or whom should I approach like labour office, lawyer, police?
Go for legal action....get immediate help from police ... may be this will work out.... thereafter labour officer or lawyer for conciliation / legal proceeding .
Original document or certification cannot keep by your employer , this action is illegal . keeping original document is the part of bonded labor .It is also violation of your fundamental right. As suggest by Mr. R. K Singh you must approach to lawyer .
Kumar 252
Thank you for response Mr. Manish!
If I am not provide notice period, what type of action can taken company
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