Establishment Act, 1954-
1) within the period specified in sub secdtion (5) the occupier of every establishment shall send to chief inspector a statememtn in the prescribed form, together with such fees as may be prescribed, containing:
a) the name of the employer
b) the postal address of the establishment
c) the name, of any, of the establishment
d) the category of the establishment, ie, whether it is a shop, commercial establishment, resifential hotwel, restaurant, eating house, theatre or other place of public ammusement or establishment; and
f) such other particilars as may be prescribed.
2) The registration certificate shall be prominently displayed at the establishement and shall be renewed at such intervals as may be prescribed in this respect
Also laws pertaining to Child labor, Forced labor, Minimum wages, fire and emergency contacts, PF, ESI, grtuity acts, creche, meternity benifit, Overtime, working hours, security, police, code of conducts, shall be displayed at the entrance of the factory where all the employees can see these very frequently.
for more details visit
if you are working at a factory please refer to the below code of conduct standards which generally every company follows
These requirements are not all-inclusive but rather establish guidelines to assist our partners in meeting our expectations as stated in our Vendor Code of Conduct. Further, it is expected that all factories comply with specific legal requirements, governing notices from their host country. This list is continually being evaluated, updated and revised.
Health and Safety Requirements:
Factory has fire and emergency evacuation plans and diagrams posted in various, conspicuous locations around the factory in each native language of workers employed
Evacuation plan illustrates critical information such as emergency evacuation routes, you are here mark, correct layout and direction, location of fire extinguishers and hydrants, and instructions in local language of what to do in the event of an evacuation
Guardrails should be present wherever an aisle or walkway surface is elevated at least 30 inches above any adjacent areas
Factory has a written personal protective equipment (PPE) policy which describes workplace areas and what PPE should be used in them, employee responsible for PPE program, where it is stored, and how it is distributed and how and when training is performed
Factory has written policy on chemical usage at the factory that includes an inventory of what chemicals exist, quantities stored, where stored, how handled, and training of personnel
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) exists for all chemicals used in the factory
Facility is clean, free of obvious insect/rodent infestation
Facility utilizes appropriate trash removal services
Facility does not allow food consumption on production floor
Fire Extinguishers Requirements:
Factory has correct types of fire extinguishers for various types of materials present:
Class A for ordinary combustibles: wood, paper, and textile fires
Class B for flammable liquid, gas or grease; solvent, grease, oils petroleum
Class C for electrical: electrical equipment fires
Class ABC for any of the above
Class D for combustible metals such as magnesium
Factory has a maximum travel distance to extinguishers for employees of 23 meters or 75 feet for class A, C and D fires and 15 meters or 50 feet for Class B fires
Factory has adequate number of extinguishers
All fire extinguishers have instructions in local language on front
Fire extinguishers are placed in accessible locations, mounted on the wall or column, with clear, prominent markings
While no specific height guidelines are provided, fire extinguishers mounted on wall or column must be a height that is accessible by workers in the factory
Extinguishers are inspected periodically (once per quarter)
If fire hydrants are present, factory hoses, standpipes and all other water sources, including fire pumps, should be inspected during fire drills
Fire Training Requirements:
Factory personnel (workers and supervisors) are trained in fire safety, emergency evacuation, and the use of fire extinguishers
Factory trains new employees in fire drill procedures
Fire Training Recommendations:
Factory holds fire emergency drills regularly (twice per year)
Certificates (if applicable) of fire safety and emergency evacuation training are maintained (with proper dates)
Fire Alarm Requirements:
Factory has fire alarm system that is audible throughout the entire factory
Alarm is tested regularly in conjunction with fire drills
Factory trains all new employees about alarm system sound and procedures
Emergency Exits Requirements:
Factory has at least two emergency exits per floor in buildings with less than 1,000 workers
At least 3 emergency exits exist per floor in buildings with more than 1,000 workers
Factory ensures that the maximum travel distance to an emergency exit is 60 meters or 200 feet for un-sprinklered industrial buildings
Exit doors are on the opposite sides of the building
Exit doors are not locked and do not have locks that require special operation
Emergency exit signs are visible from 30 meters
In addition, signs have bright colors and are illuminated or have photo luminescent front panel
Doors swing in the direction of exit travel and lead directly to the outside
Emergency Exit Routes Requirements:
As referenced above, factory posts diagrams/maps of emergency exit routes at various locations throughout the factory
All exit routes are at least 112cm wide
Two exit routes exist on opposite sides of the factory
Electrical Lighting Requirements:
Factory has emergency lighting for all stairways and where needed on exit routes
Electrical Wiring Requirements:
Electrical cords in the factory and dormitories are in good condition and properly encased to prevent shorting or fire
Electrical equipment is grounded to prevent injury and/or fire where there is risk
Electrical cords are not found in damp areas of in standing water
Electrical wiring does not obstruct aisles unless they are securely taped on to the floor in a manner that does not create additional hazard
Electrical panel must be covered
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Requirements:
Factory provides impact resistant goggles or other eyewear to employees in areas where there is persistent glare, flying debris, or dust, splashing of primers or cleaners
Factory provides gloves to employees that are handling/applying chemicals such as solvents, adhesives, and finishes. Gloves are resistant to these chemicals
Factory provides dust masks to employees working in areas with a high presence of fumes such as paints and other chemicals. Also in areas to minimize exposure to particulate matter such as dust or textile particles
Metal gloves are provided when working with sharp objects or cutting instruments
All employees are trained on the use of personal protective equipment and why using them is important
Factory has signs, with appropriate international symbol, showing what personal protective equipment should be worn in these areas
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Recommendations:
Appropriate footwear is provided for employees working on wet surfaces. Reinforced shoes or boots for employees operating or moving heavy equipment
Noise Levels Requirements:
At levels above 80 dB(A), ear protection (ear plugs) is provided, potential hazards are communicated, and wearing by employees is enforced in an appropriate manner
Lighting Requirements:
Factory has minimum illumination of 30-foot candles (300 lux) in work areas
Factory has minimum illumination of 5-foot candles (50 lux) in corridors utilized as emergency routes
Ventilation Requirements:
Factory has adequate ventilation system in work areas where chemicals are handled and where there are significant dust or materials particles
Factory has ventilation system present in enclosed spaces where heat-generated equipment is operated
Hazardous Chemicals or Materials Requirements:
Factory stores chemicals in a separate area which is equipped with appropriate fire extinguishers, safety signs, ventilation, instructions on handling and disposal, and personal protective equipment
Factory is familiar with all chemicals on site and potential health effects
All employees handling hazardous chemicals or materials have undergone training program on appropriate handling, emergency procedures, and personal protective equipment
Factory has documented and follows appropriate storage and handling requirements of all chemicals used
Machine Guard Requirements:
Factory ensures that where there is a risk, machines have the necessary safety devices and guards
Factory keeps records of machine, equipment, and wiring inspections and repairs
Machine Guard Recommendations:
Factory maintains records of permits for equipment such as elevators and any other types of equipment requiring special permits
A written maintenance plan should exist which outlines machine inspections
Medical Care Requirements:
Factory should know location of medical clinic in close proximity to address basic health and injury needs.
A record of injuries is maintained at the factory to focus on how injuries can be reduced
Medical Care Recommendations:
Factory has a system in place to address sever injuries (such as an agreement with the local hospital, transportation arrangements, etc)
First Aid Requirements:
Factory has one properly stocked first aid kit available for every 100 employees (i.e. bandages, scissors, blanket, gloves, gauze, eyewash solution, antiseptic ointment, etc), an emergency log, and first aid guide in the local language
First Aid stations are posted with a first aid sign and the names and photos of trained first aid personnel are posted
The first aid kit is inspected regularly and re-stocked when needed
Records are maintained for employees seeking first aid to track injury/illness as well as remedy Number of boxes: 1 per 100 workers or a minimum of 1 box per production area
First Aid Recommendations:
Factory trains an adequate number of personnel (production workers and supervisors) in first aid procedures
First Aid kit should include a kit for blood borne pathogens protection
Inside label of the first aid kit shows minimum contents and quantities
Factory keeps written, clearly defined procedures for common workplace injuries
Toilet Requirements:
Factory has at least 1 toilet for the first employees of a particular gender, with an additional toilet for each 40 persons of the same gender employed over 25 persons
Factory has a cleaning and maintenance schedule with adequate janitorial staff to ensure that the facilities are clean and working at all times
Facility provides adequate privacy (door with ability to lock)
Factory does not restrict access to toilet facilities
Factory provides wash basins with cleaning agents or hand soap and hand towels or dryers and toilet paper, as local customs dictates
Drinking Water Requirements:
Factory has purified/potable drinking water for each employee that is available at all times
Access to drinking water is not restricted
Drinking water containers are kept clean and have adequate protections to restrict any type of contamination from getting into the water
Employees are provided separate drinking cups to prevent illness and contamination
Drinking Water Recommendations:
Drinking water is tested periodically to ensure that water is safe
Canteen Requirements: Canteen staff ensures that any spoiled, questionable or waste food is not utilized and properly disposed
Utensils, dishes and cookware are properly sanitized after use
Factory has the necessary inspections from government health officials and maintains records of these inspections
The canteen staff should have health check annually and obtain the health certificate
Food is not prepared or consumed on production floor
Raw food is stored and prepared in a separate area from cooked food.
Canteen Recommendations:
Canteen staff should wear hair nets
Boiler Operation Requirements: If applicable, steam boiler must have operation certificate endorsed by local labor authority or certified safety inspector
The operator of the boiler should be trained on its use with proper occupation certificate
The steam boiler should be placed in a separate, well-ventilated room. The safety check certificate should be posted on a wall in the room
Water Treatment Requirements:
The wastewater from washing, dying operation or other hazardous liquid waste streams must be separated
Water Treatment Recommendations: The wastewater system should be inspected and certified by a recognized government agency at least once a year. Factory should maintain written verification (if available) of inspection and inspection results.
Dormitory Requirements:
All health and safety guidelines applicable to the factory also apply to dormitory buildings
Dormitories are not located above any production or warehouse buildings
Each dormitory floor has at least two accessible, unlocked and clearly marked exits leading to the outside
The minimum amount of square footage/meters allocated per resident is 20 square feet per person
Residents should have own bed, an area for personal items, and the ability to secure belongings
Dormitory rooms should not have more than 12 or 15 residents per room
Water usage for showering and bathing should not be restricted to limited and/or unreasonable hours of operation
Dormitory has adequate lighting and ventilation to produce a comfortable living area
Dormitory will be inspected and certified by local health authority at least once a year. Factory should maintain written verification (if available) of inspection and inspection results.
Record Keeping Requirements:
Each factory must maintain personnel files for each employee
Personnel files must include a copy of the best official age verification documentation available in the country of manufacture (i.e. government, passport, travel document, social insurance card, etc)
Proof of date of hire with signature of the worker
Employment contracts, where required by law, signed by the worker and the factory
Application for employment with basic information on the worker such as address, contact information, recommendations, experience and education
Picture of worker at the time of employment
Written disciplinary actions taken against worker, where applicable, including the signature from the worker acknowledging receipt of the disciplinary action
Time Card Requirements:
All factories must maintain and use a time card or electronic bar card system to measure actual working hours for all production workers. Time measured must include in and out times at the start and end of each day
Attendance sheets may be used instead of time cards as long as they include time in and out each day, lunch breaks, overtime hours, rest day hours and the signatures of workers acknowledging the accuracy and completeness of the attendance sheets
Time card, bar card and attendance records should be maintained for at least 1 year. Some countries require factories maintain such records for longer than 1 year
Payroll Record Requirements:
Each factory must maintain a payroll register that proves proper payment of wages to each worker per hour, per day, per month or per piece
Payroll register must include regular working hours, overtime working hours, gross wages derived from pieces produced or working hours, applicable production bonuses, allowances, applicable deductions, and net wages
Piece rate and other supporting documentation for the payroll register must also be maintained as proof
Payroll records must be maintained for at least 1 year. Some countries require factories to maintain payroll records for longer than 1 year
Pay Slip Requirements:
Each factory must provide a pay slip to each worker for each pay period that details items such as regular working hours/days, overtime hours, piece rate wages (if applicable), gross wages, deductions, and net wages
Working Hours, Wages and Benefits Requirements:
Working hours will not be in excess of legal limits
Workers must have at least one day off out of seven
Employees must be provided with all vacation, sick and other leave as required by law
Employees must be provided all benefits as required by law
Maximum hours allowable is 60 hours per week or as otherwise restricted by local law
Scheduled work hours should be posted for the week and day
Scheduled overtime hours should be posted for the week and day
Workers are compensated for regular and overtime hours in accordance with local law
Employees will not work off the clock
Deductions will not be made because of low production or quality defects. Example: A worker operating in a piece-rate system cannot be paid less then the minimum wage if he or she does not meet production targets
Workers are educated on the standard workweek and the factory seeks their willingness to work overtime hours. For workers not interested in working overtime, the factory must be supportive of their decision and will not, in anyway, force or coerce them to work overtime
Child Labor and Documentation of Age Requirements:
Each factory must meet all host country requirements pertaining to documentation and job placement of restricted age workers
Each on-site facility contractors (canteen, trimming services, etc) must meet all host country requirements pertaining to documentation and job placement of restricted age workers
All workers must be over the age of 14, regardless of host country law
All workers must be over the legal working age within the host country, if the legal working age is at least 14
All workers must be over the compulsory age to be in school in host country
All workers must provide valid age documentation
Workers children are not allowed on the production floor
Prison or Forced Labor Requirements:
There should be no restriction on free movement of employees in the factory
There should be no restriction on free movement of employees to work in another factory
There should be no restriction on free movement of employees leave premises of current factory if necessary
There should be no restriction on free movement of employees in dorms. A reasonable curfew for security reasons is not viewed as a violation
There should be no withholding of ID papers, involuntary employee deposits, or other practices that would be restrictive to workers
Human Rights- Disciplinary Practices Requirements:
Harassment, abuse, mental or physical punishment of employees is strictly prohibited
Monetary deductions are not acceptable as a disciplinary action
Any claims of harassment, physical, mental or verbal abuse claims by a worker, must be documented with a copy kept in that workers personnel file
Lockout policies that result in a workers absence leading to failure to receive wages is prohibited
Bodily pat downs or strip searches are prohibited
Human Rights-Discrimination Requirements:
Mandatory pregnancy testing is prohibited even if not restricted by host country law
Verified incidents of denial of employment due to pregnancy status will not be tolerated
Verified incidents of discrimination, in any form, will not be tolerated
Freedom of Association Requirements:
Jo-Ann Stores supports employees ability to exercise their legal rights of freedom of association
Verified incidents of illegal termination or other actions due to exercise of legal rights of freedom of association will not be tolerated
with Warm Regards
karthik reddy