Dear Piraisudan,
I infer that your question relates to Labour Laws only. Broadly classified, all our present labour laws could be (1) Establishment-related Laws such as the Factories Act,1948, Shops and Estts Acts, Motor Transport Workers Act, Mines Act etc. (2) Laws relating to industrial relations such as the Trade Unions Act,1926, the Industrial Disputes Act,1947etc (3) Laws relating to service conditions such as the Industrial Employment ( Standing Orders ) Act,1946, Equal Remuneration Act,1976 etc (4) Laws relating to wages such as the Payment of Wages Act,1936, the Minimum Wages Act,1948, the Payment of Bonus Act,1965 etc and (5) Laws relating to social security such as the employees Compensation Act,1923, the ESI Act,1948, the EPF aCT,1952, the Payment of Gratuity Act,1972 etc. Applicability of some Acts are based on the minimum no of employees like the Factories Act, Standing Orders Act, Bonus Act; some others are based on the no and gender composition of labour such as the Equal Remuneration Act, the Maternity Benefit Act while still some other like the Contract Labour Act,1970 are based on the no as well as the type of labour. Since your organization comprises of 5000 and more employees, may be, almost all labour laws would be applicable depending upon its type and the composition of the labour force.