Presentation On Application Of Cost Control Measures


Could someone share any document or presentation on some concepts / ideas to manage cost in areas of Travel / Communication. Thanks much in advance
Dinesh Divekar
Dear friend,
As every Rupee saved goes to the profit, cost cutting is important factor while running an enterprise. Nevertheless, what matter is our focus on cost-cutting. In course of my consulting to various organisations, I have found that huge funds are wasted in the operations because of non-scientific methods. Going further, lack of collaboration among the departments is a major cause of disconnect amongst them and in turn it also causes lot of wastage of time and money.
Feel free to contact me and I shall tell you what means can be adopted to improve the collaboration and save the company's precious funds. Cost-cutting on travel or communication just peanuts. Therefore, it may not be worthwhile to concentrate on that.
Dinesh Divekar
Many thanks Mr. Divekar. Will definitely get in touch with you for more details on this, however, I have to make a small presentation to some senior managers, on this topic (related mainly to travel & communication at the moment) on 26th of this month. I am looking for some material for this presentation and if this goes well & gets a positive response from them, then I will go deep into other areas of cost cutting, which is when I can & will contact you for support.
Request if you have something on 'cost saving' in travel & communication, please do share with me.
Many thanks.
Nagarkar Vinayak L
Many companies use video/ mobile conferencing for meetings of staff located at different places, for interviews and such other purposes and cut cost on travel/ hotel local transport and food etc.
Dinesh Divekar
Dear friend,

Well gentleman, we do not know your industry or business as such. Therefore, we the outsiders will not be able to give any idea on cost cutting on travel or communication. All that I can say that many mobile companies have come up with plans where all-India calls are made free.

The second thing about communication is organisation communication. Please check whether there is free flow of information from one department to another or how to transmit information in standardised manner. Therefore, you may focus on standardisation of communication.

The third thing is not about communication per se but about non-communication. Notwithstanding availability of all sorts of means of communication at hand, communication gaps galore. Companies incur huge cost because of non-communication. Occasionally one department is blissfully unaware of what other department is doing ditto living to the adage, left hand does not know what right hand is doing.

In view of the above points, give focus of your presentation on how to create a culture of communication and how to give preference to organisational communication over personal communication. It is much easier said than done!


Dinesh Divekar
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