They Gave Offer Letter But They Are Postpone My DOJ

I need your valuble suggestions because i was in confusion.
Actually i selected in some x company. They issued me a offer letter in that offer letter they mention doj is 11 Aprill.
After getting that offer . I resigned in my old money before a week of joining to my new company
But my new company peoples are postponi g doj two times .they are not telling exact doj
What i have to do now. From the last 10 days. I am jobless
Please give me your valubel suggestions
Vinod N
It is a difficult situation.
Have you accepted the offer to join on 11April 2016?
Meet the new company people to find out the real reason for postponement of joining date.
Explain to them that based on this offer which has been accepted(I hope in writing) you have resigned from earlier job.
I hope these postponements have come in writing to you.
Your new company is breaching a contract by delaying your DOJ.
Hi NathRao
I met my new company people. They are telling due to some web solution id. Your doj is postponing .again they gave me a new date this month 18 .
One more thing is they gave a offer letter by hand on aprill 4 th in that they mention my doj is 11 th. Now they changed to 18th aprill.
Is that offer is valid.
Is there any illegal case to proceed for these situation
Vinod N
If 18 th April is not going to change then no issue.
Reason of web solution is surprising.
They can let you join as per offer letter and then seek solutions for web id problem.
Press hard to allow you to join.
Legal solutions exist but right now do not think of going legal.
Leave it as a back up option.
Hi NathRao,
Actually i went to my new company and i asked my hr. She told me ur job is comform but only thing .i need conformation from cilent he is not responding .once he response i will comform ur joining.
She is telling like that and she showed me the mail conversation of cilent. He didn't replay even a single mail.
Now tell me.what i have to do now.
Vinod N
But i already submitted all the documents .they gave me a offer by hand also. This situation i never saw anyever.
Why they are doing like this .
One more thing . Actually they selected two person's one is me and another person .we both didn't get doj .he also rejected his job.
Now we both are joblesss.
One more thing . Actually they selected two person's one is me and another person .we both didn't get doj .he also rejected his job.
Now we both are joblesss
Did they mention to you that your joining depends on client confirmation? If not, I personally will not join a company that breaches their contract even before joining. It is better to look for other options. All the best.
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