Joined New Organisation after they asked me to abscond from previous company

I joined X organisation in December 15 after waiting for 2 months there was no work and I was on bench in between I got other offer from Y company they asked me to abscond from X company and join immediately. As per communication with Y company joined Y company in month of Feb and I stropped going X company.15 days later after joining Y company there was no communication from X company , no one asked me where are u why u r not coming to office so I resigned on same day from X company. After 7 days HR from X company asked me the reason why r u leaving and HR ready to relieve me in 7 days.I got the relieving letter from X company having end date 15 march.

But HR from Y company knows that I already absconded from X company and joined. When I dropped mail to HR from Y company stating that

As I do not have any document from Xa (Though I came from X company I mentioned in a mail Xa company as I do not want to disclose the company where I came from) company from where I came, I will not submit any document from same organisation and this will not create any issue with me in future with career with Y company please confirm.

After reading mail HR told me that this will not create any problem with u. You can carry on, but at same time denied to give written confirmation.

After that hr told me that u can again reply back to same mail as please ignore as we do not want mail like this officially.

Now my concern is will this really makes an issue with my career with Y company.(Because this is also MNC).
I think this will not make any issue.. there are certain things which HR will not provide on mail or written.. Just grab the Confirmation letter as soon as possible. & forget the Past company.
You have received relieving letter from X company so no issue from X company..
You are working currently in Y company & you must have got offer letter & probably you would receive salary too.... Just check with fellow members as to after how many months one receive Confirmation letter.... relax & keep working !!!
Hi Runal,
thanks for your reply.
My HR told me many times just relax this will not create any issue.As per HR's suggetion I joined current company immediately.
But I was very afraid I dropped Hr below mail. I mentioned other comany's name as my previous company(As i do not disclose the name of company from where i came)
As I do not have any document from Xa(Though I came from X company I mentioned in a mail Xa company as I do not want to disclose the company where I came from) company from where I came, I will not submit any document from same organisation and this will not create any issue with me in future with career with Y company please confirm.
Will this create any problem.
Or shall i replay above mail to please avoid this mail would it be better.
is this legally right or wrong please suggest
Please suggest what should i do because i have done this first time in my life.and i am very continous
Just ignore it... Nothing will bother your current company.. Just chill & keep working...
Cheating, No no no no no..... its fair.. just don't worry & think more on this..... relax girl ...
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