Just on a quick google search I found the following items. There are lots more, so please do a search, and you may find some useful information to assist you with your job interviews, and land a suitable position.
I think it is important not to stress about your stammering, a job interview in itself is stressful enough. You say you have strong technical aptitude and skills, so you must use that to mitigate the other. Nerves may play a part here with your stammering, so try to be as calm as you can. That is not easy, but you know your stuff, so take it slowly, think about what you want to say, and give your answers. In a technical interview, you can anticipate, to some degree, what questions will be asked. So write down salient points and an outline of potential questions and answers. Refer to your notes during the interview, to refresh your memory. There is no shame in using notes, I have done it often. It also shows the interviewer that you have made an effort to prepare properly for the interview.
The dreaded job interview: secret tips from an employer for people who stammer! | British Stammering Association
Here is my google search:
Best wishes for your future.