During my association with Cite HR , I have found some details from group members , U can find and start from below as under :
Analysis & Report can be done under following heading:
1. Employee exits for the last five years
2. % of manpower attrition per annum for the last five years
3. department-wise break up of employee exits
4. Employee exits as per the quarter of financial year
5. Break up of manpower attrition between managers and non-managers
6. Gender-wise break up of manpower attrition per annum
7. Qualification-wise break up of manpower attrition per annum
8. Cost of manpower attrition per annum against total HR budget (provided the records are maintained. Many organizations do not measure it at all
9. Average length of stay per employee per annum for the last five years
% of terminations on disciplinary grounds against total exits per annum
% of employees abandoned their employment against total exits per annum
Top three reasons quoted by employees for their exit in the exit interview
% of employees put up resignation but later withdrew after counselling against total exits
Total recruitment cost per annum against total HR budget