Musadi lal
I'll a company on 1st oct 2012,my training period is 2 years,my training period ended on 1st oct 2014,after that my company put me on probation for 6 probation ended on 1st march 2015.but till now my company didn't give me my confirmation letter,and they never give me any extension letter.they give the confirmation letters to all my fellow workers.what should i do.should i take any legal action.if yes then how.kindly please help me.don't know what to do.
Ashutosh Thakre
Dear Musadi Lal,
Before taking any legal action, why don't you walk across to your Boss and the company HR and have a word with them, that its more than 7 months and you are waiting for the confirmation letter.
It may have happened that there was a lapse and they missed out on your name, and as you also never mentioned them, they are under the presumption that all is well.
Have a Dialogue first, then deceide if you want to take a legal action or no.
Ashutosh Thakre
gopinath varahamurthi
Dear Friend,
Since you have completed six months probation period, they have not asked you to leave the company on completion of the period. So, You are certainly in the good books, might be your immediate senior or the place you are working might have received the confirmation order and forgotten to hand over to you, you department might have misplaced the order, so there is every possibility of taking the issue on either way, first stop panicking, get yourself clear and enquire the of luck ...and Shri Ashutosh Thakre clearly given you the right way of approach ....
On what aground a will you take legal action ?
What rights do you have ?
It's the company's choice whether to confirm you. Until the confirmation is given in writing you are on probation, unless your standing orders says otherwise.
Instead just go and ask your manager why you didn't get a confirmation letter when all others got it and whether there is an issue
Musadi lal
I already talk to them .But there is some politics going around for me.that's why iam asking.They didn't give me my letter because I am asking for a salary increment.
And you really think that taking legal action against the company will give you a confirmation or increment ? If so you are pretty naive
Ashutosh Thakre
Dear Musadi Lal,
If they are playing politics, than even if you go to the courts will not help you...
Musadi lal
Kindly don't reply if you not understanding the truth.I already filed a case in Labour court & they will help me.Iam not fighting for my letter or increment.I want to teach a lesson to people like you.Who don't won't the growth of Labours.
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