1. Sir, by virtue of provisions contained under sections 53 and 61 of ESI Act, 1948, the construction workers, who are covered or coverable under said Act will not be entitled to receive similar benefits under BOCW Act, 1996.
2. However, there is no decision regarding payment of cess under BOCW Act by the Builder/Employer in cases where ESI Act is made applicable. The Builder/employer of so called construction sites will be required, in present situation, to pay cess under BOCW Act ( perhaps it is around 1% of total cost of construction) as well as to pay employers' share of contribution @ 4.75 of wages of coverable employees under ESI Act. What will be the reaction of Builders' Associations / Organisations is to be watched.
3. In addition, the Building Workers are also required to contribute to the Welfare Board established under BOCW Act some contribution (Section 16). Under ESI Act, 1948 also the said building worker is required to contribute 1.75% of their wages as contribution. It is doubtful, whether the trade unions will accept such situation. It appears to me that the decision of ESIC vide their said circular dated 31/7/2015 to cover workers in construction sites is pre-mature and has been taken without considering the provisions of BOCW Act 1996.