Dear Ranjeet,
In the first place, a very basic question arises in my mind as to whether an establishment's contract with a travel agent or another establishment dealing in rental car services for public transport for the supply of cars with drivers could be brought within the purview of the CLRA Act,1970. In my opinion, at the maximum, such a contract could only be a contract for service ensuring regularity, economy and quality of service to the contractee and certainty of continuous business and of periodical payments to the contractor. Here, the Establishment/contractee hiring the services of the Cabs just stands on par with any other general public who utilise the services on rent. Therefore, it is just a " Contract for Service" similar to the contract for supply of goods. If the same is a " Contract of Service " undertaken by the contractor on behalf of the Establishment/contractee to fulfil the latter's statutory obligations,if any, the position would be different. As such your questions become contextually infructuous.