Continuation Of Employment After Retirement Age

suresh varughese
Dear Seniors, What is the procedure to continue employment of employee after retirement age. In my organisation some of the employees already continuing and they are still in PF scheme. Please advice how to regularise it.
as for of EPF Scheme is concerned you can continue after retirement also, but Pension scheme will come to an end at the age of 58. In that case you need to apply for pension for these retired employees. For person employed after 58 years you need to remit full amount to EPF Scheme.
suresh varughese
Can we discontinue EPF also and continue with his employment.
yes. after retirement, it is the right of employer to extend the benefit of EPF or not. hence you may discontinue and enage him on consolidated rolls.
suresh varughese
Can you please specify the term consolidated rolls.
Can we discontinue them one month and make rejoin. Then we will discontinue PF but continue with ESI.
Please advice.
no need to discontinue one month. after retirement, an employee losses lien on employment and you can engage him on cons. rolls for one year or six months.
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