Dear Marut,
Please note the following:
a) Training is conducted to bring a organisational change. Therefore, your focus should be on the organisation and not on individual.
b) Employee training is only a medium and not an end in itself. End result should be reduction of some cost that organisation incurs in the course of its operations. If not cost then be clear which ratio you would like to increase or decrease.
c) Measurement of training effectiveness is measurement of cost before the training and cost after the training. Difference is ROI on training.
d) Any training that does not reduce the cost or increase/decrease some ratio is humbug.
e) Training/HR professional's job is not just delivery or presentation skills but to study/understand the systems and processes and identify where and how revenue leakage is taking place. Your training efforts should be directed to plug that leakage.
To know various costs associated with manufacturing industry, click the following link:
I have given so many replies on the training related subject. You may click the following link to refer the replies:
(though this is related to technical training, the comments are useful to behavioural training as well)
I recommend you going through the above links patiently. It will enhance your training awareness. Feel free to contact me on my mobile for further queries.
All the best!
Dinesh Divekar